Camping Observation: We Were Not Prepared Pt.4


Good that we didn’t need to wait long till we saw Gary reappeared at the top of the hill giving us the thumbs up and signaling us to follow.

"Looks like we are on the right path after all" Charlie said to me. We hiked for another 10 minutes and noticed that we hadn't passed any red arrows, which are signs to indicate to the hikers that they are on the right path.

I looked over at Gary again and saw that the concerned look has now reappeared on his face. "Hey, shouldn’t we have seen some read arrows by now?" I asked him. He turned towards me and said awkwardly "Yea… I think this isn't the right path, I thought those mountains over there looked familiar but now that I looked again, all the mountains looked the same hahaha….".

So at this stage we had already hiked 45 minutes in the WRONG direction, which meant we had to back track 45 minutes to get back to the spot where we took the wrong turn. By the time we got back it was already 4:30pm, the detour cost us an hour and a half worth of daylight and energy.

We still had around 5 hours of road to make up but only 2 hours of day light remaining. We did bring torches but I was not looking forward to be hiking in the dark, especially after the morning heavy rain, everything was wet and muddy.

To be continued…

You can find the other parts here:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four (This Post)
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven


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