The formula for Bandwidth Point (BP) and Energy calculation in Tron Network
The formula for Bandwidth Point (BP) and Energy calculation in Tron Network
We know, to achieve Bandwidth, we need to stake TRX which i have explained in previous tutorials. Now the question is, how many Bandwidth Point you will get for 1 TRX staking? It is not fixed amount and it depends on Total stake of TRX by all users. Total Bandwidth Point for Staking will be 43,200,000,000. (43 billion & 200 million). So, thus BP will be shared among the TRX stake holders according to their proportion. You can check the following formula-
Tron Energy is also distributed in similar way according to stake of TRX by user for acquiring Energy. But total Energy is 50,000,000,000 (50 billion). You can check the following formula-
Real Example
Real Example
We consume Bandwidth in each and every transection even activity of staking of TRX. So, we need Bandwidth in our wallet to avaid extra fee of TRX transection. We are awarded 1500 BP free when we are active in the chain. After consumtion of BP, it will be refilled in straight line of 24 hours. For example, if i cosume 750 BP, it will be refilled by 12 hours gradually. You will be awarded extra bandwidth along with your free 1500 BP, when you acquire BP by staking TRX. In that case, Total BP (after acquire some BP) will be available for consumption for transection and will be refilled similarly straight line method of 24 hours.
In my last tutorial in this series, by staking 10 TRX I have gained about 15 Bandwidth Point (BP). On the other hand, I have gained about 290 Energy by staking 10 TRX. Why the energy is more. You know, the use of energy is less. When we go for trading other Tron based tokens like BTT, USDT, USDC, JST etc except TRX then you need to consume Energy along with Bandwidth. So, use of Energy is less by common users.
From above formula, it is clear that how much bandwidth or energy you will get for staking TRX depends on Total stake for Bandwidth or Energy. As the staking for Energy is less in the network, that’s why getting higher energy with same amount of (10 TRX) staking in the example above. Again, 1500 Bandwidth is given to many users spontaneously from the network, that’s why total stake for gaining Bandwidth is higher compared to Energy. So, I have gained only 15 Bandwidth for similar (10 TRX) staking.
Bandwidth and Energy Consumption Rate
Bandwidth and Energy Consumption Rate
We know, Usage of DApps will consume Energy. So, you have to decide whether to gain more energy or bandwidth according to requirement. DAppp consumes Bandwidth along with Energy as well. So, its suggested to stake Tron in the ratio of 2:1 for bandwidth and energy respectively.
For 1 microsecond time taken for execution of programming of smart contract, 1 point of Energy required. Number of bytes in the transection takes 1 point of Bandwidth. For staking of just 10 TRX, about 250 bandwidth was consumed in my last tutorial.
Consumption of Bandwidth Points = bytes in the transaction * Rate of BP.
Currently Bandwidth Points rate = 1
So, my tron power up (staking) transection had about 250 bytes. So, consumed 250 BP.
You can check Bandwidth and Energy parameters from the calculator below-
You have to keep Bandwidth and Energy while using TRON dApps and Network otherwise you have to pay transection fee in TRX token. Finally, TRC10 tokens will consume Bandwidth only while TRC20 (smart contract-compatible tokens) will consume Energy along with Bandwidth. In next tutorial, I shall share with real example of how to save transection fee in both cases. Till then take care.
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