First Day of 2018 - In the Garden

It is a balmy 70 degree Fahrenheit - that is 21 Celsius - and it seems like a perfect day to do some gardening.

Especially since two of my little Dudes are here and they are busy building additions to their clubhouse. I am hoping that no apple trees will be cut this time.

I have to admit that finding this little beauty had something to do with wanting to spend some more time looking for other hidden treasures.


And we weren't disappointed. When I pulled back a big mat of dried up Bermuda grass - what do I find nestled between a couple of pieces of urbanite?

hidden squash.jpg

A beautiful winter squash!! I didn't even remember that I planted one in that area. But I tend to plant squash all over in the hope that the big leaves of the vines will cover and choke out the Bermuda grass. So far, the grass is winning.

Here is another look at the squash.


This time, it is sitting on top of the urbanite wall. Here, I said it again. Urbanite. In case you don't know what that is, allow me to explain.

Urbanite is the term many Permaculture and sustainability-oriented people use for broken concrete. This is a building material readily available and it is free. It can be turned into walls, walkways, and so much more.

Free is obviously a wonderful thing, but by using urbanite we divert truckloads of concrete from ending up in the landfill. It also means that nothing new needs to be manufactured for the building project. The benefits of reusing the urbanite coming from replacing a driveway or a sidewalk, for example, are far-reaching.

It hits the three R's of sustainability. Reduce, reuse, recycle - something we need to keep in mind with everything we do.

Since I had young helpers at hand, we decided that mowing the lawn (weeds which do not get watered) and got out the push mower.


They had lots of fun! For about 2 minutes. But a little workout was doing me good.

We haven't had rain for many months now and the deciduous trees are losing their leaves. But we still have some green in the garden and now is the time to grow brassicas and leafy greens. Those, I'll show you next time. For now, we are happy with our cut weeds.


And let me leave you with a couple more pictures of our surprise squash. It just might become dinner tonight!

squash 2.JPG

squash 1.JPG

This is an entry to the FRUITS & VEGGIES MONDAY hosted by the lovely @lenasveganliving


Post a photo of fruits or vegetables (it can be from the garden, supermarket or anywhere you wish, RECIPES ARE WELCOMED)
Use hashtag #fruitsandveggiesmonday
Mention the creator @lenasveganliving

Come and join the fun!!


Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


My recent posts

Henry- A Short Story

For a Friend

Author Reading - Nose Hair

Author Reading - Oh Tannenbaum

A typical prompt

Weird Sky

Freewriter Challenge

Rocky the Super Mom

Sad - A poem

Laughter Yoga for Seniors

Battling Cancer with the Gerson Therapy

If you find a post after the seven days, please consider upvoting a more recent post.




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