Weird Sky


A little while ago, my husband and I were driving towards a restaurant to meet my son and his family. As we were driving by a particularly large light display, he suddenly asked me if I had seen the weird light.

I told him that I thought that is was a very large display and looked a bit like a giraffe but it is not that weird.

"No, look at the sky!!"

No can do while driving. and that was the end of that, I thought.

We parked and I did look up at the sky and saw a beautiful crescent moon.

You all are steemians and I don't have to tell you what came next. I grabbed my camera and started looking for a spot to get a picture without the interference of streetlights and such.

Stepping up on a boulder, I glanced to my right and saw this.



Then my phone went off with my other son, who lives 5 mi west of us, texting me to step outside and look at the sky. I was way ahead of him!!


Look at that tail of that whatever-it-might-be thing in the sky.

So weird.


Of course, I was trying to get as many pictures of it as possible and not for the first time wished that I had a better camera. This is all taken with my iPhone 6.


But who knows, I might not want to schlepp a bigger camera around with me all the time and have in my purse like my handy phone.

And guess what, in my excitement over the weird formation in the sky, I forgot to turn my camera to the left and snap a picture of the moon. So, I have to leave you with another cloud picture.


What do you think this might be?

Update: As you can see in the comments, several people knew what this was. It was Space X - a rocket launch of a communication satellite that took place from Vandenberg Air Force Base in Lompoc California. People saw it all over California and as far away as Arizona and Nevada.


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


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