Broadbeans are go! - The Container Garden With PumpkinsandCats

Good Evening,

Welcome to the 3rd post on The Container Garden. It's been a long few days waiting for some changes in the garden so that I can upload some progress photos.

But at last I am pleased to say I have something to share with you all.


12 days after depositing the Broadbean seeds into the soil I finally have an update for you all on them.

I came down this morning and as usual checked on the seeds and wahoo I can see little shoots coming. They will be up by tomorrow I hope with their leafy tops beginning to emerge.

In the picture they are a bit dry as they needed a water = D On good note, the toilet roll eco plant pots are doing well and are staying strong despite regular watering.

Two out of 3 out so far, I suspect the third will follow tomorrow.


I was getting disappointed thinking my pepper seeds are failing however I checked the seed packed and it confirmed they can take up to 3 weeks to germinate.

They are a rare variety so I hope that within the next 12 to 15 days I see some roots coming.

I still have them placed in a bag on top of the boiler it seems to be a good temperature.

With the first Orange Bell Pepper that germinated I repotted it into a plant pot and have left on the window sill in a sunny spot.

The Container Veggie Patch With Pumpkins and Cats

#1 2018 Garden Plan and Overview

#2 Broadbeans and Peppers - My Container Veggie Patch With Pumpkinsandcats

#3All Hail The First Germinated Seed of 2018 - The Container Garden With PumpkinsandCats

#4 Broadbeans are go! - The Container Garden With PumpkinsandCats

#5 First Sweet Aji Pepper Germinated - The Container Garden With PumpkinsandCats

2017 Garden Review

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