Rapidly Grow your Reputation|Learn how a Plankton grew to a Dolphin in Just 8 Months! |Newbies Guide 101

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This is one of the most important aspects of My Steemit account that I want to increase rapidly!Not SP,Not SBD,just a plain reputation score for now- Why? Read on..

*This particular topic has been on my mind for quite sometime now. I have been contantly wondering on how to quickly grow my reputation mainly because I have noticed the more reputation one has, the more serious people tend to take you. People associate high reputation score with quality content.

I won't lie to you, I also do at times consider people's reputation before I can curate, most of the time I have to constantly remind myself that there's more to what people have to offer even if their reputation is not at per with with their supposedly quality content. It wouldn't even come as a surprise learning that some people don't read content written by low reputation accounts.
So in Order to get give my posts a higher chance of being read and noticed, I will commit to building up my reputation as fast as possible for the next few weeks or so..

Like many other people on this platform, I am NOT of the sentiments that one's reputation is a direct representation of their quality content. On the contrary, I have come across people with over 70 reputation and very poor content. From Imaging, to poorly written content, to poor referencing and so on..

Which brings me to today's tutorial guide,seeing that I would like to build my Rep to atleast 70 by November, I tool it upon myself to dig deep to understand how this concept works. Being a newbie, I would like to share my findings with fellow newbies so as to help them save on time as well as grow their accounts on a much faster rate than I have.

Like always, I like to start from the basics, I don't like to assume everyone that comes across my posts are familiar with what I am talking about.

Steemit's Reputation

In a nutshell, steemit uses reputation score to show how much value a user is adding to the platform.

It is also a mechanism that is designed to help reduce abuse of the Steemit platform.

So... How Do I Plan to Achieve my Reputation Target?


Well, this is not new information to most people. If you are a keen person then you have probably noticed that your reputation tends to increase as the number of upvotes you receive increases. I remember a few weeks ago my reputation shot from 43 to 46 when I received a $21 upvote from @yoo1900 for one of my Steemit tutorial guides.

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What's my goal here? To be active enough in quality content creation that attracts the attention of the likes of @yoo1900 who are gracious enough to support and curate minnows and planktons like myself. If I am lucky enough to find afew of these, it would only be a matter of weeks and not months to achieve my goal.


I can't emphasize enough on how important it is to make quality comments on posts you are passionate about and truly enjoy. I am speaking from my own personal experience really. When I began I was very reluctant to make comments as I deemed it time consuming, and most times, you hardly get any reply, especially if your reputation score is low. For me, even at 47 reputation, I still consider it low, though not as low as when I was in the 30's, those were really tough days.

It's come to my realization how powerful comments can be, sometimes you meet really great people out here are you converse. I couldn't count with my bare hands how many amazing people I have met this way.

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Talking of comments, just yesterday I got a $6 comment upvote for my effort from the controversial @haejin. *See, effort pays.

In as much as we want to make comments, have some fun while at it. You can only do so when you are commenting on content you truly enjoy. I can't tell you how many times I get carried away when commenting on photography or travel blogs, or foooooooooooodddddd!!!! The excitement in you can never be contained when you are doing it from the heart. And believe me, people can always tell if you mean what you say or not. It has to do with your intonation and your tone of writing.

Quality Content

This topic has probably been covered 1000's of times by now. It's really an agree to disagree kind of topic. What is Quality Content really?
This instantly brings @maxwell95 to mind, he is a huge meme/dmania fan, as I'm I. He recently shared this meme which I'm pretty sure most will agree to disagree.

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Quality Vs Quantity...What's your take?

Here's my honest opinion,
Personally I feel quality varies from one person to another. For those of us who appreciate humor, we would argue this meme is well worth it. Infact,quality. It certainly wouldn't appear as such to others.

For me I feel quality has alot to do with your audience. If our audience appreciates what you have to offer and they are constantly coming back for more, then I would deem that as quality content in that context. It's important to respect other people's input in as much as we don't agree on their concept. Dmania & Steepshot comes to mind at this juncture.

Building Relationships..

This may not come out as obvious as it should to most of us.
One of the best advice I have received on how to do this was from @rosatravels. In her own words she said;

  • If you want to be successful on Steemit, you need to help out in communities.
  • You become more popular because you join communities to give them help and whatever expertise skills you can give them. In the beginning, it takes a lot of time to let people to get to know you. Once your credibility is built, they appreciate your help and reward you. Read Steemit posts and find communities that you want to join. Be passionate and just keep giving.

I couldn't have put it any better! Sure enough, it has worked greatly for her. You can read about her Journey from Plankton to Dolphin in just 8 Months Here! How incredible is that?
FYI she has never invested a dime from her own pocket, it's just hard work, consistency, quality content & relationships she's built along the way, this is as per what she shared in our brief conversation.
More grease to your elbow @Rosatravels!

With that in mind, my next goal is to find a community to surround myself with. Thankfully, I have a mentor ( @energyaddict22 ) ,who is pretty hands on and is constantly guiding on the way forward.

If you would like to join me on this journey, to rapidly increase your reputation, then feel free to follow my guidelines. I will probably making some highlights along the way, sometimes this platform can be very surprising so should I achieve this sooner than later, I wouldn't be surprised :)

Thank you for reading!

With Love,


My Last Week's Highlights


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