Sarah Cooper of the Cooper Review shows you how to create funny content, even for a serious business

How would you like your content to be liked, viewed & shared?

Could humour work even for your business content?

Why create funny content; even for business.

Here are some reasons why creating funny content can benefit your business.

When you're laughing, you're experiencing joy!
Sarah Cooper,
Cooper Review, author,
How to Use Humour To Grow Your Audience at Startup Grind

  • Fun helps make a connection with your audience.

  • Funny stuff gets shared

How to create funny content

Here's Sarah Cooper's tips & tricks on how to create funny content.

1. Tell the truth

   Share & ask things about what people really do?
      e.g. Will it scale?
   Just being honest is also funny.
   Don't try to be funny. Be honest.
   Ask your community for their experiences.
   Exaggerate; but, from a place of truth

2. Teach something silly

     Take something obvious & try to teach it.
     Take something ridiculous & try to teach it.

3. Compare & contrast

       Take two things & find out what they have 
              in common and/or what is different
       Unexpected comparisons
       Pit two sides one against another

4. Mash it up

          Mash something boring with something more exciting;
                     with something they can relate to.
          Make something that is inherently serious; funny.

5. Make it visual

       Make it easy to see at a glance.

6. Reduce, reuse, recycle

        Use something in bits & pieces on different networks.
        Chunk up content.

7. Stay positive

       Know who you are making fun of 
                & that person or thing deserves to be made fun of.
        Not mean or cyncical.

8. Tested.

         Test on a small group, first.

All images from Sarah Cooper

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