IFC Side Contest ---> Who Are The Heroes On Steemit?

What Is A Hero?


As a young girl most of us are taught that we need to be "rescued"or have a "hero" in our lives. From the time of having fairytales read to us or being raised in a very traditional family -- like mine -- we were told we needed a man to take care of us.

Let Bonnie Tyler tell it:


There is something to those 80’s vids. Feel my dilemma here? They say we choose our families, so I guess I got what I asked for. I digress. Let's take a look at what the word hero actually means. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary a hero consists of the following:

1a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability
b : an illustrious warrior
c : a person admired for achievements and noble qualities
d : one who shows great courage
2 a : the principal character in a literary or dramatic work
b : the central figure in an event, period, or movement
3 plural usually heroes
4 : an object of extreme admiration and devotion

As you may know, I tend to get technical at times and since @apolymask is holding a side contest in the @ifc and it's a good topic too, well I figured I'd try my hand at what he calls "heroes" with "superpowers."

His exact words for this round are:

Who do you think are a few of the biggest heroes on Steemit in regards to trying help others and the platform in general to do better and succeed? And why do you think they are heroes?

The rules are to nominate three people, and I nominate the following:

Number One: @enchantedspirit

Photo supplied by Rebecca in her Introduction

Ever since I joined Steemit Ms. Enchanted Spirit has had my back in every which way, she is a locomotive and curates for The Steem Engine @thesteemengine, and she is just amazing at what she does. Not only does she find great content on Steemit and supports this endeavor by writing a curation every single day, but also works with many other groups too.

Sometimes she is so busy she can barely say hello in chat, but when she does have time she wil share the love that can only come from her. She has an eye for great content and from what I have seen her produce in the six months I've been here are people who get recognized almost daily.

The reason I feel @enchantedspirit is a Steemit hero is that it's almost as if the woman never sleeps! She is curating, cooking, taking care of her home, yet she is posting not for herself but for the benefit of others in a rural town somewhere in the desert of New Mexico, where internet can be a bit iffy. To boot, she writes for her website enchanted.org and on at least three of her blog sites. Here is one of her latest blogs It's Astro-Logical -- practical advice for conscious living -- Issue #13. She has many talents (as she will tell you), but the least of these is tooting her own horn on her hero persona. This is why she is my number one pick.

Number Two: @apolymask

Artwork by @sparrowbernard

Where do I even begin? He may be hosting this contest so this might get me booted out of the running just because that is how honest he is. He would rather have attention sent somewhere else, and you know I am the same way. There is something about his ingenuity, tireless help and support of others, and kindness that drew me from the moment I "met" him.

As many people know I love a great contest and this guy hosts one of the most thought provoking, always challenging main event on Steemit. I have seen many that help people in third world countries, help those in need for surgery, a phone, or maybe even a car. This contest however, at least in my opinion shares a bit of humanity with everyone. For me, that is very important.

Maybe it was all of those writing classes I took, books I've read over the years but the emphasis was always what are we really sharing with the world? What is our intention?

For doing such a tireless job of making this happen on Steemit is the reason why @apolymask is my hero. It takes a special type of leader; one with insight, ingenuity, creativity, and caring and these are very amazing super powers to hold within oneself. What's amazing is the more I get to know him, the more I find something else to admire.

There are those that are busy and he is, but this guy makes time to share himself at every turn and respond with kindness. And I have not mentioned that he helps take care of his dad that is diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy. His dad in turn has an amazing photography gift (see his work @irvinesimages), which is where his son Poly must get it from. Talent begets talent.

Instead of writing for himself, one of his last posts he wrote was actually to hold another contest for others to win 5 SBD, that is just the type of person he his is, so take the time to support this great person by checking out his post Who are the heroes on steemit? (5SBD contest).

Number Three: @enginewitty

Bad Karaoke video supplied by @enginewitty

There are so many things I can say about this great guy and there really isn't much more I can say that many others have not already said. He first caught my attention in @cryptoempire and then in @minnowbootcamp. Of course as a noob we hear names float around but we do not fully grasp who is who until they are right in front of us.

Some of us started chatting somewhere (undisclosed location) and @enginewitty and I just "knew." It's almost like we knew each other in another life, another world, and there is a great comfort in knowing that. The love he has for others is immeasurable and shows in his group @thealliance. The love was so well articulated from a Steemit Meet-up post the group had that I had to apply to his group!

Inside the group, there is much love and support and @enginewitty works tirelessly to help everyone, meanwhile taking care of his family. As a Steemit Witness he has lot of responsibility that he handles with OG ease. If you have not used up all of your Witness votes then take the time to do some research and vote for this one, he is definitely a winner.


With his new ro(bot) initiative percentages are being given out to those in need and groups that give to specific causes, check out his post We Are LIVE!🙌You Want To Help?.

In closing I leave with a song (not in the romantic sense), dedicated to my three heroes that hold their own special set of super powers, from one of my favorite Native American singers:


To check out this contest by @apolymask, check it out here. Peace.

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Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine woman in-training, first time blogger since November 2017, (right here on Steemit), paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the spirit world. Additionally, I'm the creator of #MedicineCardMonday, so if you are interested in receiving a Native American blessing stop by my blog every Monday, or just say hello!
See you soon, @eaglespirit


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