Hopes and Intentions

Once I made my first introductory post and had such great response, I became immediately excited and vested into the Steemit community. Ideas of posts from me came rolling through my head and I felt like I was tripping over them as the rolled out onto a page.


But I wonder… are the things I plan on sharing unique and beneficial to the entire Steemit community? Of course not to the ENTIRE community, I answered myself. BUT there WILL be that one person who comes across my content, reads it, asks questions, and then feels inspired by my post! That's what I want to do and that's who I intend to be.

What I share may not be original (what really is anymore?), there's a ton of information about how-tos, beginning homesteads, and farm animals and really anything about gardening and homesteading in general. Maybe the uniqueness for me is that it's real, from me, I wrote it, I experienced it, I shared it in my style, with my honesty, or with my despair.

I'm know this blog won't always stick on the homesteading topic, there's so many interesting things out there. I also know that, what I do share, is going be stuff I'm interested in, and it will be genuine. My follows are going to be genuine. If I follow you, that means I am honest to goodness interested in what you have to share. I am not the type to "follow for follow", it's just not me and I cannot pretend to be that way. I want to be as transparent to you as much as I can be.

This whole financial earnings aspect was a big reason why I joined Steemit, while it WILL be very helpful to us, it's not the only reason I am here and happy to be sharing with you. If I can inspire one person to do something positive, feel good about themselves, learn something new, or even have a laugh at my own expense... I'll call that a win in my book.

Why are you on Steemit?
Do you feel like your contributions to Steemit are worth while? Unique?

I have blogged for quite a few years, with lots of breaks, with many different blogs, and lots of different topics. I hadn't really any real interest in even sharing my farm-ventures, even though I know it will benefit our future business ventures. Then I came to Steemit. It's such a new and fresh community, it gives me hope. Hope that I can not only share something worthwhile to you, but also learn about nearly anything I'm interested in from personal experiences shared by others.

Now that I have been here a couple days and have a general impression of the joint, I am genuinely excited. Yeah, I joined cause the prospect of making money by sharing my thoughts and participating with others is darnright appealing but, I have seen the value of this community and now, the money is definitely not at the top of my list (heck yeah it's a bonus tho!! I won't lie).

Some of the best friends I have are from various blog communities. I am truly excited to find more people to learn from and enjoy.

Are you also impressed by this community? Why? Tell me about it!

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By @daddykirbs
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