Introducing The Farmstead!

Hello fellow Steemies! I'm Adrienne, one half of the human population here on the Farmstead. The Farmstead is 20 acres and currently hosts one dog, two rabbits, 21 chickens, four ducklings and three goslings (collectively the ducks and goslings are known as gucklings). This year we hope to also add some quail to the bunch. Turkeys and bees are also on the add list, but no rush, we have a lot of infrastructure to create before we can add much more.

The purpose of this blog will be to share with you all our adventures in farmsteading. I will of course share with you positives, but I promise to also share with you the mistakes we've made along the way! And let me tell you, it's quite the list already. With those mistakes, I hope you learn from them instead of making them yourself.

Anyway, my husband and I have had a very adventurous first 5 years of our marriage. He was in the military and because of the military we have lived in South Korea and Germany. We just returned from Germany back to Oregon in 2015 and are now a veteran family. We had been talking about having our own space and some property for a couple years and somehow we've managed to get our grubby hands on 20 acres here in the Crooked River National Grasslands of Central Oregon.

Now that we have this huge blank canvas, our goal is to work toward the self sustaining model of life and do what we can to provide for ourselves. Currently our goal is to build up the property's infrastructure before we add any more animals other than birds.

So hold onto your hats, cause this is bound to be a bumpy ride!

I am open to any questions you might have, don't hesitate to ask, I will answer as best I can! Thank you for taking the time to read my intro!


PS. Does this post seem familiar? Well, it is. I am embarrassed to say that I have fat finger pasted over and deleted the super special password for the FarmsteadSmith account. And no, my browser did not save the password. We've been working hard over the last day+ trying to find a solution but have not been successful.

Please forgive me, I was in the process of trying to copy and paste the password... in any case, it's done and over with and this is where we are now! Ha. If you've come over from the other account, thank you so much for taking the time to do so. I've been just sick over the whole thing all day, and I'm very embarrassed. I hope to be able to merge the old account or at least delete it in the future. I am not here to screw the system and I really want to be a part of this community.

PPS. Did you know you can shake your iPhone to undo something in the notes app? I didn't, until it was too late.

PPPS. SAVE YOUR PASSWORD. Go ahead and take a moment to save it in another location right now. Maybe you have it in 23 places already, but I bet a 24th won't hurt.

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