Why Steemit is Great for Your Homestead

If you've ever done any research on homesteading, I can bet that you've come across the integral idea of having multiple revenue or passive income streams.

Most, if not all, homesteaders want to homestead full time. In order for that to happen, they have to figure out how their homestead can provide a decent financial means without having to actually leave the homestead.

Often, this means having animals or plants that one is able to sell from the comfort of your own property. Animals like chickens which can provide eggs, chicks, and meat to sell are one of the first means of income that many homesteaders pick up.

Egg is mocking you

Tell me, are you already doing any of the following in regards to your homestead?

  • Blogging
  • Vlogging
  • Having a FB page
  • Participating on FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc, to essentially 'advertise' your homestead and gain a loyal following?



The reason that Steemit is probably one of the best things you can do for your homestead is that you can earn money in multiple ways here on Steemit, blogging, commenting, and even resteeming can earn you money. The other great thing is that you're able to do multiple actions with the earnings you make on Steemit. There are options to save, cash out, and invest your potential earnings.

You're already spending time on other social media sites, and not getting paid. Why not reinvest your time wisely over here on Steemit and then post your content here onto those other Social Media sites?

The final fantastic thing I am going to touch on in this blog is the fact that it takes nothing but a click in order to help someone else out in the Steemit world gain a few extra cents.

Remember, even if your comment or blog only earns a couple cents, or $50, that's potential money that you didn't have before.

In the homesteading world, every cent counts and helps toward your homesteading goals.

Veteran Steemit Homesteaders, have you noticed Steemit being a large, or small, part of your homesteading incomes? Is it worth it to you?

So far today I haven't done much, it's hot. I had some mac n cheese. That's my guilty pleasure box food... What's yours?

Check out my most recent Steemit Posts.

By @daddykirbs
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