SBI - Interview with @dosdudes

Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

Welcome to @steembasicincome's fifth member interview!

To provide more interaction within Steem Basic Income (SBI), we are continuing our interviews with prominent members of SBI!

We hope to bring a greater sense of community, get to know our members, and gain a better understanding of why Steemians are choosing to be a part of SBI.


I hit discord to catch up with two dudes wearing tennis shoes, the masterminds behind the @dosdudes account, @shoemanchu and @dkid14, both of whom are involved in the very exciting, expanding and ever enticing @ContestKings! I wanted to know their story, and their thoughts behind Steem Basic Income - since they were giving away a lot of it!

Here are some excerpts:

@ecoinstant (ECO): When I noticed @dosdudes was on the list to be interviewed by SBI, I was happy to have the chance to talk further! Am I right that you two are the 'dosdudes'? Why did you originally decide to do a team-up acccount?

@shoemanchu (SHOE): Yes we are dosdudes and it's a pretty long story honestly.....
The love for sneakers are how we kicked off our friendship

@dkid14 (DKID14): @Shoemanchu and I connected because I have a fascination with shoes and the secondary market they create. I have a small shoe collection that I value but it grows really slow and I don’t sell much. @Shoemanchu and I got along from day one and already have a brother like friendship.

ECO: Very cool! Do you guys live near each other, like real life friends?

SHOE: Nope, Steem brought us together, both in U.S. though. I connected with him because of giving, he took me under his wing and helped my account out constantly and delagated SP to me free and I literally sent a rare new pair of socks that match a pair of sneakers to him for free.... Pretty crazy

ECO: Wow! This seems like a testament to the power of community on steem!

DKID14: I think crypto in general bring people from all over the world together. The steem blockchain makes that even easier. I’m excited for the future.

ECO: Why do you think that steem has served as such a great place for real connection world wide? Is it something about steem? About people, both, neither?

DKID14: I like money and I like helping people. The steem blockchain where I could do both was appealing to me. I have made some good connections through sports (mainly the Utah Jazz), hosting and running masternodes, entrepreneurship, sbi, and most of all contests.

ECO: Another [project] that I am very interested in is @contestkings, which I think dosdudes is 2/3 part of

SHOE: Yup, dosdudes and o07.

DKID14: @o07 was the original inspiration. He was consistent. He was helpful. He never require upvote, resteem or follow. Now we all run @contestkings and love steemmonsters.

SHOE: Another awesome story ... someone in Australia sending silver coins to me in America

ECO: What drew you all to SBI?

SHOE: I like it because both parties get a share. You own them and can always sell them back when Steem goes to 5 or 10 dollars if you like. Plus you get some basic upvotes thru time, obviously the more you have the bigger the upvotes. It's also a good way to help build ones account..... but the best part is your not married to them and can sell them back. That's pretty cool to me

ECO: Have you heard of the plan for tokenizing the shares, with an smt?

SHOE: that would be pretty cool

ECO: @dkid14 how did you first hear about SBI?

DKID14: Not sure when I first read about sbi. I like the idea of giving and getting consistent upvotes for life and also still owning shares that can be sold for steem. It’s not instant ROI or crazy high ROI.

ECO: So, what do you feel about Universal Basic Income? It is [a] theory that steem basic income gets its name from.

SHOE: To be honest, I'm not a fan of that in theory. This you buy into and own, get some return in upvotes but in life I work for what I get. I don't want anymore government control. Helping out others is huge and everyone should do it but ... I don't really want to get into politics...

ECO: I am okay with ... 'politics' meaning the 18th century version of actually discussing our views, usually over a beer.

SHOE: For me the Steem platform is a way to get away from politics and governments. I look at Lamebook, aka Facebook is now just a platform of politics. Now I do think discussing world government and politics in a beer setting with Steem members around the world is cool but on the platform itself, I just prefer to stay away.

ECO: That's great for a quote! @dkid14, what are your thoughts about UBI?

DKID14: I have not read much about UBI. I think if done through blockchain it might work. I am following along the manna project as well.

ECO: Is Steem Basic Income something you guys like philosophically, or is it just good math for you?

DKID14: My favorite thing about sbi is that you do not have to post everyday! I hated all these other vote services that if you missed a day of posting you just missed out on that value. With sbi every single day you get a set amount of rshares per share of sbi. It adds up and gets added to your “balance”.

The other thing I love about sbi is I can go and find new Steemians and give them a little boost. Just last night I found @nourtawfiq and sent 30 shares because her blog was awesome and not getting much support.

SHOE: ... dkid14 is awesome

ECO: How awesome is dkid14?

DKID14: Ha ha I’m not that awesome.

ECO: [Tell me] about your mission, or @dosdudes' mission on steem?

SHOE: Well for dosdudes that account will just continue the giveaways [of] steemmonster cards and SBI etc but what all three of us are building with contestkings is the most important.

We are building a great community of givers and for the future of @contestkings is to have all contests on our whitelist, from SBI, steemmonsters to cooking, to SBD/Steem, writing etc. Basically all contests Steem does, with one rule. No upvote No Resteem No Follow.......

ECO: I love the idea of contestkings - it takes me back to something I read on the blockchain a long time ago - if we could only replace the trending page with a list of contests, we would have the best site on the internet where people could win actual money.

Because steem really is full of awesome contests

SHOE: True, that would be nice..... Or even right next to trending is contestkings button......

It takes time but I know one thing, through this time where all Cryptocurrencies are down, the next best thing is for people to come and join in on the possibilities of winning free giveaways. We're still growing but skies the limit on what we want to accomplish....... We have so much more coming, this is only the beginning, dkid14, o07 and I have some great things to come.

ECO: Thank you both for giving me this interview! I will be going back through it and looking for all the best gems in order to make a really nice article featuring @dosdudes!

SHOE: Awesome....... Thank you for the acknowledgement of us..... much appreciated

DKID14: I’m excited for the future.

{Editor note: We recently updated our refund policy to provide more generous terms than were previously available, but it still isn't 'selling them back' per se, as SBI units represent subscription levels, not shares of equity or even a fungible token. Please read Refund Policy Redux for more info on how this works.
We do hope to eventually tokenize, but it depends on a lot of factors and is far from a sure thing. There is a lot of uncertainty around SMT development and regulatory framework. We definitely would not want to make a move that limits SBI subscription access to the already super-rich!}

Interviewer Bio

From a young age, @ecoinstant continues to be very interested in the mechanisms of sustainability, and loves being a part of several teams working on promising projects, including the marvelous Steem Basic Income!


If you want to get involved, or to increase the share of basic income that you receive, enrollment is pretty straightforward:

Just send 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome. Include the name of a Steemian to sponsor in the transaction memo (preceded by @). You and the person you sponsor will each receive 1 unit in the program. You can sponsor any active Steemian, it does not have to be a current member.

If you're unclear, please check out our full transaction memo guidelines and then let us know if you have any questions.

The official currency for enrollment is STEEM. If we choose to accept SBD without refunding it, you do not receive extra value for it.

Enrollments are processed automatically every 144 minutes. Confirmation transactions are still manual and typically are sent within 2-3 days. Even if you have not received a welcome transaction, you can check your status using !sbi status.

SBI Writer's Group Needs Your Help

A few spots are available for interested writers to join the SBI writer's group.
You do not already have to be a member of Steem Basic Income to take up this opportunity, but a basic working knowledge of SBI would help.

Here are some examples of previous interviews created by members of the SBI writers group. As you can see from these examples, we let this lapse for a while, but we are ready to take it to the next level!

Previous Interviews📖
Interview with @andrewharlandInterview with @f3nix
Interview with @dynamicgreentkInterview with @improv

Participating writers receive reward in additional SBI levels, along with a writing credit on articles and updates published on @steembasicincome account, to 5k+ followers. Bonuses in STEEM/SBD are available for quality work that requires minimal editing.

Full information about the program is available here. If you are interested, please direct message me (@josephsavage) on the Steem Basic Income discord server.


Please read our recently published FAQ. Most questions are addressed in our FAQ or in the additional resources that it suggests. If you still have questions, ask in the comments section or join us in our discord channel. To review your counts, check out our new member lookup tool.

Helpful Reading📖
A Complete OverviewFrequently Asked Questions
Managing Voting PowerPulling Back the Screen
Steem Basic Income, rShares, and AutomationNew SBI Member Lookup Tool
Vote Values in Steem Basic Income - Part One: BlockchainVote Values in Steem Basic Income - Part Two: The Way We Were
Vote Values in Steem Basic Income - Part Three: Where Are We Going?SBI 1.0 - Initial Automation Release
Vote Values in Steem Basic Income: Part Four - Value Balances and Upvote DeliverySBI - Responsible Voting and Following
SBI - Check out Our DiscordSBI - Refund Policy Redux

Foreign Language Resources📖
[VN] Phân tích rủi ro và ước lượng xác suất cho SBI.[Traduction] Steem Basic Income - FAQ
[PT] Steem Basic Income - Questões FrequentesSteem基本收入 (Steem Basic Income) - 常见问题 FAQ
Filipino Translation: Steem Basic Income - Frequently Asked QuestionsFilipino Translation: Steem Basic Income - A Complete Overview
Indonesia translation: Steem Basic Income - Frequently Asked QuestionsCo je nového u Steem Basic Income? - #cesky
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