Happy One Year Birthday To Red Dust Art

A Big Thank You To Everyone Who Has Upvoted Me!

14 x 11 inches, drawing paper, Prisma colored Pencils


My Husband And I Are Retired And On A Fixed Income

I came Steemit with just raw talent, I am not a professional artist and I have a stubborn inquisitive nature. All the SP I've earned has been through the community and my posts. I am not an investor and will never become a whale and I am okay with that. I also enjoy learning and putting what I learn to good use. In fact I don't know what I enjoy more, finishing an art piece or learning something new and putting that knowledge to work.

I am A Dolphin

I am here on Steemit to improve my art skills. I am using peer pressure to give me the incentive to create, set deadlines, and finish my project. I can happily say that I have improved my drawing and painting skills. Steemit taught me about crypto-currencies and I have used these skills successfully. I have had to learn coding skills for presenting my art and improve my grammar, which I still struggle with. I do not enjoy writing, I am learning how to enjoy writing thanks to Steemit.

My husband told me about Steemit when the platform went online and I could make some money posting my art instead of posting art on Facebook or other platforms that make billions of dollars off of our content and not sharing their profits with their content creators. I forgot about it for a couple months until he reminded me. I registered and with the money given to me by Steemit I have Potentially earned $11,486.88 at this time. I've seen SP go from .10 cents to $2.00 with all sorts of ups and downs along the way regarding my account worth. At one time my account was worth almost $30,000. I can't get all twisted about the ups and downs of crypto-currency because that is the nature of digital money and getting upset or excited gets in my way of creating.

Trading Cryptocurrency Is Fun


I've traded several thousand dollars of SBD and SP to diversify my crypto-currency portfolio and at this time I have potentially earned several thousand dollars. I have spent around $2000.00 on art supplies (including a new MacBook Pro), presents for birthdays, health supplements, and household appliances (a new water purifier) I wanted but didn't really need but now I could afford.

I have been on social internet platforms since 1997, haveing helped moderate a Buddhist chatboard for a couple years, so I understand social networking and the nature of digital relationships. I have met some awesome people from all over the world through networking with Facebook for Buddhist teachers and programs. I am pretty good at networking when that's all I have to do! But Steemit for me is about creating artwork first, developing a skill-sets is second, networking is third.

All I Want To Do Is Create Art But That Does Not Sell!


I haven't really made any friends, as in we meet face to face or have cozy chats on Discord or Steem chat here on Steemit because I've been too busy creating art.

When I create full time I am the least social person in the world and I have a short attention span for drama. Here on Steemit there are fortunes to be made and when ever this happens there is also lots of drama. I cannot create around drama. So forgive me for not being friendly when you have reached out to me to form a support network. I am working on this issue but it's an uphill battle. I will be visiting Discord Minnow Suite today to start working on my social skills and helping out minnows. I am a very friendly Dolphin most of the time and not stuck-up, I'm just a focused artist!

Hope your week is productive Steemians!

Some Of My Favorite Art Pieces I've Created On Steemit

Mr. Wednesday

A Butterfly A Day

Kitchen Art

Looper The Frog And Turbo The Snail

A Little Black Dress

Pokemon Fan Art


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