When passangers are heavier than the vehicle itself

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I've seen cars, motocycles or buses which were carrying far more people than intended to before. But this was really extreme. I've took this suuperquick shot on my phone back in 2014 when this "bus" suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. As I've seen it, I could't believe it's actually on all 4 wheels rather then doing a "wheelie" from all that weight in the back.

Quick math

I'm wondering what the weight of all those people could be. Let's count it real quick. I see 5 adults (driver, front-passanger and 3 guys in the back). Pakistanis are pretty slim so let's say that adult men weight 65kg. Then I've counted 13 kids. Let's say those are around 45kg each. Here's the quick table to prevent all calculus mistakes :D

Crazy shit :D Passengers's overal weight is almost one ton. I guess Slovakian saying "There's always enough place for good people" is true :)


Preplnene auta, motorky alebo autobusy som videl iz aj predtym. Ale toto bol uz fakt extrem. Ked sa v Pakistane zrazu zo zakruty predomnou vynoril tento ultrapreplneny pickup, musel som ho rychlo odfotit, aj ked som nerad fotil ludi priamo. Ked som ho zbadal, nemohol som uverit, ze ide po vsetkych styroch a nie iba na zadnych ako v "Rychlo a zbesilo".

Rychla matika

Rozmyslam, aka moze byt vaha vsetkych tych ludi. Rychlo to veru aj poratam. Vidim 5 dospelych (vodic, spolusediaci a 3 chlapi vzadu). Pakistanci su dost chudi, tak povedzme, ze muzi vazia priemerne 65kg. K tomu vidim 13 deti. Tie mozu mat kazde tak 45kg. Tu je rychla googlesheet tabulka, nech predijdem chybam :D

Brutal :D Celkova vaha pasazierov je skoro jedna tona. Tak asi bude nakoniec to porekadlo "dobrych ludi sa vsade vela vmesti" pravdive :)

This is also my entry for today´s #vehiclephotography contest hosted by @juliank.

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
  2. Murder on Sonnenburgstrasse?
  3. My first successful 30 meters slackline walk!!
  4. My sport transformation (Ball games -> Fitness -> Calisthenics -> Slackline -> Handstands -> Jiu jitsu)
  5. Humans, sports and self-esteem
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