Freedom to choose a (right) mindset


You might notice that I'm not really posting that much lately. I've been pretty busy last 2 weeks so yeah, that's why. But from now I will hopefully have bit more time again as I've HAD TODAY MY LAST EXAM....EVER!!!

Choice to enjoy it

First 2 days of learning, I was kind of negative. Was angry that I have to learn all that bullshit + can't do other things I'd like to....but then I've realized it's the last time ever I'm learning for an exam. So I was like:
I should enjoy this experience! It's the last time ever...
And suddenly, just like a switch..I was enjoying it! I knew I'll go there pretty unprepared as I didn't have enough time to learn it all. But instead of being negatively stressed, I was laughing at it and enjoying my last "student panic" (I mean, I'm sure there will be one more while preparing for the thesis defense, but you know what I mean).

Freedom to choose

I was just wondering how many people are kind of stuck in their mindset towards something without actually thinking about it. They are negative, because it's what's normal in their situation. But if they could only look on the situation from different perspective, they might realize that there's opposite side of the coin to it as well. That's what happened to me while learning for today's exam.


Mozno ste si vsimli, ze stale postujem menej a menej. Uz asi nikdy nebudem pisat tak casto ako v aprili, no teraz som mal okrem vsetkoho ineho navyse este aj skusku..ale POSLEDNU.. A NAVZDY!!

Rozhodnutie uzit si to

Prve dva dni vecerneho ucenia sa boli uuultra frustrujuce. Total ma hnevalo, ze sa musim ucit vsetky tie sprostosi a nerobit radsej nieco uplne ine. Ale potom som si uvedomil, ze to je poslednykrat. Tak ma napadlo:
Mal by som si to uzit! Je to posledna skuska ever...
A zrazu akoby preplo spinac..zacal som si to fakt uzivat! Vedel som, ze si nestihnem vsetko ani len raz precitat, ale namiesto bytia negativne vystrasovanym som sa na tom smial a uzival si moju poslednu "studentsku paniku" (Ok, popravde sa bojim, ze este asi bude jedna pred obhajobou diplomky, ale chapete co myslim).

Sloboda volby

To ma prinasa k nasej teme. Len ma napadlo, kolko ludi si ani neuvedomuje, ze maju slobodu nad svojou myslou. Niekedy su proste ludia negativni, lebo je to v danej situacii "normalne". Ale ked by sa zamysleli, mozno by zistili, ze je tam aj druha (pozitivnejsia) strana mince a je len na nich, ktoru si vyberu. Nikto ich nenuti byt negativnymi, slobodu nad nasim vyberom mame vsetci.

Waiting in front of the classroom...stress, excitement, inner laughter that I'm stupid not to start earlier :D / Cakanie pred dverami....stress & vnutorny smiech, aky som debil, ze som nezacal skor.

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
  2. Murder on Sonnenburgstrasse?
  3. My first successful 30 meters slackline walk!!
  4. My sport transformation (Ball games -> Fitness -> Calisthenics -> Slackline -> Handstands -> Jiu jitsu)
  5. When passangers are heavier than the vehicle itself
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