Conform? Never! Stop Trying to Change Them

Or Yourself.

Society wants a perfect little pineapple. Pineapples don't argue. Or ask the tough questions. Pineapples just sit there like perfect little minions and do as they are told.

Disclaimer: Before we get further, I wish to stress an important clarification. If you are trying to change yourself into something better, or more productive, or kinder and more appreciative, by all means do so. This article is not about that. Always strive to be the best you you can be :)

Noone will ever truly fit into the mold that "they" created without regard to the beautiful idiosyncrasies that make a human.

We are each born different than all the others. If we were all the same it would be an awfully boring world! An easy and effortless one for the PTB, but you are not living life for them, are you?

One trap we vacantly fall into sometimes is trying to make others conform to a way of acting that differs from their natural ways. For instance a teacher may be caring, but she is overworked and underpaid, and her most energetic student has a difficult time staying still in his seat. For starters, human children are not meant to sit still behind a desk. Why do you think they have an overabundance of energy? They are built to run and play and do a lot of work for the family- in a bilogical sense- to earn their keep as an extra member. Their energy is a natural part of growing up.

So the harried teacher is pushed by her superiors to force the children into an unnatural state and make them all act the same, like good little pineapples all in a quiet row. And little Johnny is punished due to nature.

Some schools in Europe allow students with energy to stand and walk about in the back of the classroom while doing their work. That may be something worth bringing up to the administration of your school if you are a teacher or parent as it is working well for the schools where they have implemented it, and the children are vastly more productive- and everybody is happy, healthy, and learning. Also, fidgeting is a good thing for those stamina filled little bundles of activity. Adults may find it annoying, but all that extra energy has to go somewhere. Silly putty, stress toys, and fidget spinners are all great tools for energetic kids. And so much better than the alternative: kids in detention or time out, filled with anger because they are truly doing nothing wrong...

Encourage uniqueness! Yes, certain things must be conformed to, such as laws, taxes, and the obligatory stiffbacked important meetings and such. And yes, there is a time and place for everything. But if for instance you allow tireless little Johnny to fidget now, when it is really not bothering anyone, he is more inclined to sit proper during those important circumstances where it is a must.

You can find many "societal norm" rules that we adhere to because that is just the way it's done if you start looking. And you will find that so many of them were set up for the benefit of the powerful, with no regard to the health (mental or physical) or happiness of the people. Which brings me to a good point...

Question everything.

Why is this rule obligatory? Is it for a good reason? What is the reason? Who made that one silly rule, and what was their purpose? Again, some "rules" are there for a damn good reason, but some are not. And some are simply damaging. It's interesting that there are so many sufferers of anxiety and depression, and the numbers are growing at an alarming rate.

What about you? What are you doing because you are just "supposed to"? One thing that angers me is when I hear women being shunned by her "loved ones" because she has not gotten married and had kids. You know, some people just do not want children. And some have not found someone worthy of their life- either because they do not want to settle for less than what will make them happy and just haven't found that special One yet, or because they just do not want to enter into a contractual obligation as they may feel a marriage is. Who are they to judge? If someone does not want children, why push them? Same with marriage? How is one human so supremely divine to have the authority to criticize and condemn another? They do not have to live your life. They do not have to suffer the effects of unwanted and made (under duress) decisions.

Never do something they want you to do. Unless you are hurting someone or breaking laws never do anything less than what makes you happy.

Don't be a pineapple. Live an authentic life and encourage everyone to do the same. Our world will be a happier and more productive place <3

What if the last person on Earth was the one you hated most? Dead i. A Steemit Original PAW, Sci Fi, & Suspense Fiction Series. Episode 1 Prologue and Episode 2

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