Mentor a Minnow Winner!

In honor of my 4000 follower milestone, I decided to mentor a minnow as a way to give back to the wonderful community that has given me so much and promote Steemit sharing, spirit and growth.

Thank you all for your patience. It was tremendously difficult to pick just one. All your entries were great, and you all are wonderful examples of the platform- true representatives of what Steemit is about. I am proud to STEEM beside any one of you :)

I could only pick one, but before I announce the winner I want to let you know this is in everyone's benefit.

When I decided to Mentor a Minnow, I knew I would have a difficult time choosing just one person. I want to work with you all! So I will be posting updates on progress, sharing Steemit tips and advice on how to succeed as a proud Steemit ambassador, and all kinds of helpful minnow tidbits for the next 30 days.

And at the end of the 30 days, I will have compiled a comprehensive booklet filled with everything my minnow learned during their mentorship, which will be made available to the Steemit community (logistics have not been figured out yet)

Now, without further ado, the winner of my Mentor a Minnow contest is @tin-tin! Please swing by her page and give her a great big cup of STEEMing support as she dives into the deep end of Steemit ocean :)

Congratulations @tin-tin please message me in Discord- HERE is the link if you are not registered already. My username is @ArbitraryKitten#6884 and we will get started :)

Thank you all again all who entered, you guys are awesome :) Keep visiting for helpful stuff!

I encourage all dolphins and whales to #mentoraminnow! What could be more rewarding, and foster growth and a sense of true Steemit community spirit?!

STEEM ever onward and upward my friends, and may the cryptos be ever in your favor :)

Enter Week 4 Photo Contest for $ SBD Prize!

What if the last person on Earth was the one you hated most? Dead i, a Steemit Original Fiction Series.

Images via Pexels

Thank you for your support, I love you guys ♡


With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!


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Be a Strong Steemit Ambassador


Dead i, Steemit Original Fiction
The Burn of the Badge

My Funny, Amazing, and Meme-Worthy Photography and Videos

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4 Week Old Kitten Dancing


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