Getting Better at Decision Making

With each day that passes by, we are faced with the challenge of making decisions and choices for ourselves (and sometimes for others). Whether it is the small life decisions you make like the food you want to eat, the cloth you want to wear, the people you want to talk to or the big life decisions like the career path you want to take, the person you want to settle down with etc. they are all equally important and are bound to arise at some point in our lives/day.


Some of us try to avoid making decisions because we fear it might turn out badly, but no matter how hard we try, we can't avoid making decisions, they are a vital part of our lives. The choices we make are what help shape our lives (and sometimes does the opposite)

Sometimes we spend way too much time (that we could have used in taking actions) trying to make the perfect decision because we don't want things to go wrong, but then, even with the time we spend trying to make certain decisions, it ends up turning out bad (sometimes). 


We all dread making bad decisions and often are full of regrets for making one, but in that negative-looking situation lies great lessons to be learnt, but only if we open our hearts. We should understand that the poor decisions we make don't necessarily define us, we let them define us only when we decide to dwell in them instead of making a change.

Decision making can be quite tough and we all have made our own fair share of bad decisions, but you can try and make it a bit easier for ourselves

But How Do We Do That?

1. Don't go After Perfection

When you find it hard to be assertive, then it is most probably because you are after perfection. Going after perfection will only keep you indecisive for a long time. There might not be a perfect decision but you can learn to weigh your options and find out which one best works for you.

2. Be in the Right Frame of Mind

There might be a high possibility of you making a bad decision when you are in a bad mood or overly excited, that's because when we are stressed, angry or too excited, our mind is clouded and we are prone to making decisions that we won't be happy about later. Being clear-headed is important in decision making.

3. Trust Yourself

Deep inside, we probably know what we want and whats best for us, but the fact that there are many other options to choose from and the fear of making a bad choice makes it quite hard for us to decide. Learning to trust ourselves will go a long way toward helping us make sound decisions.


Ask trusted friends for advice when you need to, hearing someone else's view might help make things a bit clearer for you. You might not be able to make the right decisions all the time (because we all are not perfect), but you will be sure to make better ones that you will be happy with (even when they turn out bad).

When the decision you made doesn't end up going as you envisioned, get back up and work towards making it right (if you can), if you can't, don't live in regrets because life has so much to offer, and you wouldn't wanna miss out on it.

Much Love, Audrey

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