Starting Your Day Right

Ever noticed how your day turns into utter chaos when you start your morning on a wrong foot? You wake up extremely late (probably after snoozing the alarm several times), skip breakfast (and end up grabbing some unhealthy snacks on your way), you rush out of the house and most probably looking tired and not well put together. All of these contribute in turning our day into a chaos (I mean, the start looks chaotic already).


Your energy seems drained even before you start the day, there is no way you are gonna function at your best in that manner. We need to prepare ourselves both physically and mentally in order to face the day and make the best of it.

No, I am not gonna tell you to wake up super early if you wanna start your day right, because waking up early might be a part, but doesn't always guarantee you starting the day right or making it a productive one. If waking up early is key to what you do (or plan to do that day), then, by all means, work on developing that habit. 

In order to start our day right (which I believe has a great influence on how our day is gonna be), there are certain habits that we need to develop and  practice (Yes habits, that is because consciously or unconsciously, the actions we take and decisions we make most times are influenced by our habits whether good or bad).

Here are those habits that you may wanna consider practising;

1. Create Some "Me Time" For Yourself

We unconsciously reach for our gadgets the moment we open our eyes or maybe rush out of bed in the morning, but I don't think that is a healthy habit at all, stay away from the gadgets for a few minutes and let your mind "reboot" first. The first thing I do once I am fully awake is praying, I draw a great deal of strength from doing that. Now, I know this isn't for everyone but if you believe in prayers, you might want to consider that (you can meditate as well). After that, I go ahead and feed my soul with some positive words. You wouldn't wanna live the house with an empty mind because you will be making yourself vulnerable to all the negativities that might come your way. So, fill yourself with some positive words/affirmations, and the negative vibes wouldn't have anywhere to say when you are met with one.


2. Find Inner Peace

When there is chaos within, then expect chaos all around you during the day. Find inner peace and no matter how crazy the day gets, it will in no way steal your peace. Having a heart full of gratitude will also go a long way in helping you maintain that inner peace.

3. Move Your Muscles

The word "exercise" might seem quite overwhelming for some of us, so I am not gonna use that. But really, you don't have to do a high-intensity workout for it to be considered as an exercise. Take a walk, stretch, jog, sit-up whatever works for you really, just move your muscles and let your body know that you are awake and ready to move! Moving your body in the morning will energize your body and mind, and will also encourage blood flow. If you don't wanna feel sluggish, and tired during the day, then you definitely will want to get those muscles moving.

4. Get Yourself Some Healthy Breakfast

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that is no doubt true. After "fasting" for about 7-9 hours during the night, you might wanna get yourself some good ol healthy breakfast. You are sure to be energized throughout the day and with a strong ability to concentrate (plus, you will be able to stay away from some unhealthy snacks).


5. Make Plans for Your Day

If you haven't made a mental/written note of what you need to get done on that day, then spare a few minutes to write down what you need to get done for the day. It will help give you direction and also enhance productivity.

6. Put an Effort into Looking Good

As they say, looking good is good business, you wouldn't wanna miss out on that great deal. Looking good can be great confidence boosters and makes you look much more capable. Put yourself together and you won't only look good, but also feel amazing. Take care of yourself, it is an important part of your being.


Getting quality sleep might not be a morning routine, but it also is essential for having a great day, don't compromise on it. It is important we start our day right if we want to get maximum benefits out of it, so start your day right and you will be more productive, energetic, happy and ready to conquer the world!

Much Love, Audrey

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