Paying Attention to Details

Not all of us are blessed with the "gift" of observing those little details in our lives and also around us. It comes to others naturally while for others, they need to struggle in order to get that done. The "details" thing might seem overrated (and you probably are tired of hearing that), but I believe that the most beautiful (and maybe most important) things in life lie in the little detail that we often times overlook.


It's amazing how much we can discover, and how better we are gonna live once we learn to pay attention to the little details that we may otherwise overlook or think of it as useless or irrelevant. With details, you see true beauty.

When we learn to pay attention to details, we will be able to;

  • Develop a more grateful heart
  • Build stronger bonds with people that matter to us (because they feel appreciated when you notice those little details about them)
  • Spot opportunities where it doesn't seem obvious to others
  • Have more clarity on things and handle them better
  • Prevent unnecessary mistakes
  • Live better!


We most times miss out on these benefits because we are simply not paying attention to these little details. I believe it is not something we can master all at once, but an ongoing practice. We can't completely master it, even the most "detail-oriented" people sometimes miss out some details, however, we can learn and keep getting better at it.

Well, here are a few steps you can take to enhance your ability to pay attention to details:

1. Learn to Focus

When there are distractions everywhere, there is no way we are gonna be focused enough to find those details, so get rid of those distractions. Take one step at a time and with full concentration,  when you are in haste to get things done, you tend to get distracted and might lose sight of some important things. Let's slow down a bit and take notice of those details.

2. Be Present

Well, yeah, Your body is there but how about your mind? whatever task you are performing or even a game you are playing needs you to be fully present there (body, mind and soul) in order to find the details which might help you perform better.


3. Don't Ignore those Little Things

Those things that might seem really small and irrelevant might not at all be irrelevant, they go a long way in making an impact. Look beyond the obvious, there is always something more to it, there lies the (treasure?).

4.  Always Be Open to Seeing and Learning New Things

If you want to live a detail-oriented life, then its essential you develop an open heart towards learning new things, that way, you will want to see and learn more than you have. It is that desire to learn new things that will help you explore and see the details.

Whatever it is we do, details are very important to get it done well (it might not be perfect, but it definitely will be better). Even the "silliest" things we see or do can hold more meaning than we probably think, it all lies in the details. Give those details some attention and watch your life transform ( for the better of course).

Much Love, Audrey

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