Have Courage, Enough to Ask For Help

Asking for help doesn't seem like one of the easiest things for most of us to do, especially when we are in dire need of it. We all want to feel capable and in control of situations most times, that we often forget the need to ask for help even when we are badly in need of it. But then, asking doesn't make you incapable.

We find it easy to ask for help when it has to do with minor issues or things we could easily handle on our own (We can easily ask someone to help us with the door, help us do the dishes etc.), and for things we genuinely need help with (especially when it is delicate matter), we hide in our shells instead of asking for it. 


Most of us shy away from asking for help because we fear that it may appear as if we are trying to take advantage of others. We fear opening up because we feel it might reveal our weakness and flaws. We fear (and are sometimes ashamed) that our struggles might be brought to light and we will be looked down upon. But then, nobody has it all figured out and by refusing to ask for help we are keeping ourselves from finding solutions to our problems, refusing ourselves the opportunity to heal and to be our best.

We can't juggle life all on our own, we sometimes need to share the burden and that is why we are not all alone in this world. That's why there are family, friends and experts to help out when we can't deal with it on our own. Something as simple as a listening ear can offer comfort and healing to someone in need of it.

Yes, it is your journey but sometimes, you can't handle it all alone. Remember that there is never one pilot on a plane.

We need to first shift our mindset from the belief that we need to deal with it all alone to be able to ask and receive help. That step alone will help open our minds and hearts to ask for the help we need. There is only so much that you can handle on our own, don't push your need for help aside.

You also need to understand why you really need help, that is what will push into you opening up to receiving the help you really need. Without a proper understanding of the need for that help, you will not be able to go out there and ask for it.


Finding out the right places where you can get adequate help (and from efficient people) is really important. You don't want to go asking for help with depression from an unstable, negative or judgmental friend because you might hardly get any help and in fact, it might add up to the depression you have been struggling with. Having someone like that as a friend is toxic enough. If there is no one you can trust around, then ask for professional help (that really is the best way out).

Depressed? Don't be scared to seek help. Abused? Don't be scared to seek help. Heart broken? Don't be scared to ask for help. Having suicidal thoughts? Don't be scared to ask for help. Having issues with your health? Don't be scared to seek help. Having financial issues? Don't be scared to ask for help. Struggling with an addiction? Don't be scared to ask for help. Whatever the issue is, don't let yourself get drowned in it, there is always someone ready to help share that burden with you. Receive that help, and you will be your best!

Our lives become richer when we are able to share our gifts (and problems) with other, don't bear it all alone (it might break you). Ask help when you need it, and be ready to offer help when you can. We get better when we are able to do it together!


Asking for help reveals your strength, not weakness because it takes a great deal of courage to do that. It doesn't make you less, rather it gives you freedom from all that has been holding you back and help you find happiness. Ask for help when you are in need of it, but in the right places!

Much Love, Audrey


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