Self-Worth And Self-Esteem

We all are familiar with these two words and probably know how much importance they hold in our lives. But with so much going on today (both within us and outside), these incredibly good qualities have become really hard to possess and to practice and this is really sad.

While these two are not the same they walk in harmony with each other with each other, there can't one without the other, they compliment each other. But it all starts with understanding our value- Self-worth.

Self-worth is understanding one's value, and having the knowledge that this value isn't affected by what we have gone through, how much we have failed or what others think of us. It is understanding that this value is within us and can't be forcefully taken away (unless we let that happen).

Self-esteem, on the other hand, has to do with how we think or feel about ourselves, it is something we often build by ourselves overtime and without a solid "ground", this self-esteem thing ain't gonna last!

This solid ground you need is self-worth. Just imagine being turned down or rejected by someone or being embarrassed, your self-esteem might instantly go from 100% to almost 0%.

When that happens, what do you fall back to? That's when that self-worth backs you up!

The limiting beliefs that people must have had of us can also shape the view which we have of ourselves (most times in a negative way) and that often brings about a low self-esteem.

But we don't have to believe them, these views are what they hold of us, it doesn't have to be what we hold of ourselves. It is their opinion and most times, it doesn't count.

We have to understand that our worth isn't defined by these people and what they say doesn't really count. I know, we can't totally immune ourselves to the words that are being said against us but we don't have to let them hold us back.

Self-worth is saying "I know I am this much valuable, so I am not gonna stay in that abusive relationship". Self-esteem is what you think of yourself afterwards, and when that self-worth is there, the thoughts will be positive.

Self-worth is understanding what holds you back, what isn't healthy for you, what's toxic and letting go of them because you believe you are worth more than that. And self-esteem is walking away without letting yourself drown in self-pity or other self-sabotaging act.

Without self-worth, there wouldn't be self-esteem. and without these two, I believe life will be "hell". There will be so many unaccomplished dreams, so many people staying in unhealthy relationships and so many self-sabotaging acts.

Make life worth living for you by understanding that value which you hold, embracing it and not letting people's view destroy it. When you are able to do that you will find yourself living an incredible awesome life which you will enjoy!


Much Love, Audrey

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