Choosing Self-Love Over Self-Pity

Practising self-love becomes extremely had, especially when the situations we face provide little to no opportunity for that. When life hits us hard, it gets quite easy for us to fall into the clutches of self-pity and wallow in there for too long.

We dwell on all the things that have gone wrong and fuel them with negative thoughts as well. While that might seem to serve you for a short while, it doesn't do that in the long run. In fact, it will only make you feel miserable the more.

Self-pity is destructive, and there is basically no solution that can be found there. Self-love definitely is the way to go.
When you learn to love yourself, it pushes you to get better, to grow and move on no matter how things end up being

Understand that not all your plans are gonna end up working out as you planned it and that in fact is totally okay.

Self-love tells you that; yes, things didn't work out as you had envisioned but that doesn't mean you should inflict more harm on yourself because you will need "you" to keep living and making great changes around you.

It tells you that there are better things ahead than what has been lost and there is no way you will live up to that if you let yourself wallow in self-pity

Yeah, choosing to love yourself isn't the easy choice at all, it takes you accepting your flaws, the situation and then, making the choice to get better.

In self-love you find solutions to the problems you are faced with, in it, you feel empowered to live and also channel that love towards other people. You let go and learn to live in the present.

While with self-pity, you only hold on to those embarrassing moments, those moments you thought you have failed and all the mistakes you've made.

It only makes you see the bad in others, how much they have contributed to the unpleasant state you are in, how incapable you are etc. And these thoughts hardly motivates anyone to keep on living.

Understand that it's okay for things to go wrong but you don't have to get lost or give up when such things happen because there is always light at the end of the tunnel but then, self-pity wouldn't take you there.

They are both choices you can makeeven though one might appear to be harder. But if ask me, I would say; learn to love yourself but don't forget to let others feel that love as well!!


Much Love, Audrey

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