Are We Really Too Busy?

"I am busy" is one of the excuses we almost always use whenever we have little to no interest in doing something. While we may truly be busy sometimes, other times, we really aren't.

I have used it myself a couple of times (and still do sometimes). It doesn't seem like we can be totally free from it, yeah? The "I am busy" excuse just seems really convenient to use!!

We use the "busy" word to sometimes avoid going out with friends, we use it as a reason why we don't take care of ourselves (or even our health) and sometimes even as an excuse why we don't check up on our loved ones.

Great connections and relationships have been lost thanks to being too busy. And this really is just sad because we humans thrive on this connection that we build with people.

When we take these relationships we share with people for granted or give little to no time in nurturing it, soon enough that relationship will be no more and we will be possibly alone.

I know there is a whole lot to do, but it's also true that we do put an effort into creating time to do what we believe to be vital for us. Does that mean that we don't see or understand the value of being able to connect with people, take care of ourselves etc.? Probably not. We just sometimes seem to overlook it because "we are just too busy".

Sometimes, we make ourselves believe that we are busy even when we are not, and when that belief sinks in, it soon starts to manifest. Well, because we are trying to keep up with that idea of being busy.

Setting priorities will help out in an enormous way when it comes to kicking the busy thing on the butt and getting rid of it for good.

We should understand that even though there are a whole lot of things that we consider important and will want to get them done, we can't do them all. And that's why there is something called a priority list.

Understand that not all that appears important is really important. This understanding is really key when the issue of setting up priorities comes up.

Having this belief and understanding will help you discern what needs to be at the top of the list and what needs to be kicked out of the list completely. That will be able to help you function even more effectively.

Finding a balance between your busy schedules and other parts of your life is important. You don't want to stay busy while your health suffers or the relationship you share with people suffer.

We truly can do anything but not everything. Be productive instead and let yourself enjoy the beautiful gift life has to offer!!


Much Love, Audrey

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