Choosing Love At All Times

There are times when love is so much easy to practice and there are times when life gives us so many options to choose from, except love.

We've probably been hurt at that point or treated badly (especially by people we so much love), faced with a range of emotions and wanting to retaliate in different ways except in love.

Wanting to act outside of love isn't only directed towards how we treat people but how we treat ourselves as well. There are times when we've felt like we don't deserve our own love probably because of something we have done or words we have said which ended up hurting someone etc. When guilt sets in, loving ourselves become really hard.

But even in those moments, choosing love isn't entirely impossible. It could be the hardest choice to make at that point but it will turn out to be the most fulfilling and rewarding one.

When we are able to choose love instead of its negative counterparts, it gives you room to heal, mend relationships and move on.vpdlssh29q.jpg

It helps you kick guilt away, make right of what you have done wrong and spread that love around. Love makes you feel better and pushes you to be your best!

Choosing love means kicking hate or any form of negative emotions out of the picture. It means understanding that hate might only serve for a short while and might probably bring about lasting damages

The truth is, when we choose to react in a negative way towards people (even when they hurt us), it not only leaves a nasty taste with them, it leaves that taste with us as well. So while choosing love can be hard sometimes, it is equally the best thing that you can do to yourself.

As they say, how we treat people is a reflection of how we treat ourselves or view ourselves. If you treat yourself with so much love, then don't be scared to treat others with that much love, even in the hardest of situations.

When the first thing that comes to your mind is to act in a "not so nice" way, towards people or yourself, don't go with it. Give it a second thought and you will find a better alternative, and that better alternative lies in love.

Love is what will change the world to be that which we've always wanted it to be- A beautiful place, fit for everyone to live and act freely. Don't forget to act in love and let this act inspire people to love as well.

Much Love, Audrey

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