What Bitterness Does to You

Bitterness is formed as a result of prolonged anger, grudge, holding onto hurtful experiences or bottled up feelings. Just imagine taking in something bitter, it tastes nasty and unpleasant, right? Well, when we become bitter, it becomes far worse than an unpleasant taste in our mouth.


We can't totally immune ourselves from the hurtful words we hear, or the experiences we have gone through, neither can we turn away our heart from the pains. But letting our anger and pains mature into bitterness doesn't help either. It is important that we let ourselves process these feelings and allow ourselves heal from them and learn to forgive.

Anger and resentment not properly handled are what develops into bitterness. Harbouring bitterness in our hears not only makes us feel bad and stressed out, it also clouds our view of life, and makes us talk, act and think negatively.


When bitter, we are prone to hurt people that matter to us (and maybe those that don't matter much) with our words and actions without even meaning to (maybe because we thought we could feel better after that?), but it only ends up hurting people around us, that really care.

The list of the things bitterness can do to us really is long and none of them appears to be positive:

  • It steals our happiness
  • It makes us look unfriendly
  • It makes us act cynical
  • It makes negativity feel our soul 
  • It might bring about loneliness etc.


But How Can We Free Ourselves From this Prison?

1. Learn To Forgive

Forgiveness seems really easy to talk about, but quite hard to put into practice. But holding onto a grudge only puts us down and imprison us (in the prison we created). Forgiving people does more to us than the people we are forgiving.

2. Speak Out When Hurt

When one hurts you with their words or actions, speak out and let them understand that actions or words did hurt you. Most times, people don't realize how much their words or actions have hurt us, let them know and maybe things will get sorted out at that instant. It might be hard to speak at that point, but try and let them know, so you can free yourself.

3. Process Your Feelings

Don't be quick to forgive without processing your feelings and taking it all in. Forgiveness done in a haste, might be a false one, and most times have no effect on us.

4. Focus on Positivity

We tend to see the world through a lens of negativity when bitter, and most times think negative of people. But that never helps. It will be great if we put an effort into viewing it through that of positivity. See the positive things in people, and in the things around you. Yeah, someone did something really negative to you, but don't let that ruin your view of life.


If we let ourselves get trapped in bitterness, we get ourselves caged in a prison that we created for ourselves. Nothing sweet can come out of a bitter soul (I hope that isn't harsh though, but that really is the truth), so let's learn to forgive,  free ourselves from the clutches of bitterness and live life freely. Do not let your anger mature into bitterness, let it out, and let people around you feel your sweetness!

Much Love, Audrey

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