Be a Creator, Not a Consumer

Become a Creator

There are so many amazing benefits to being a creator. We are all creators and should embrace it with open arms. It is just a pattern and once you start, it will be the only way you will live your life.

Why should you be a creator?

When you are in the mode of creating everyday you have take control of your life and you now shape your life, instead of life shaping you.

You are in control of what your life will entail. Sure it won’t be exactly what you set out to do sometimes but that is an added bonus to create excitement and put you on paths you never thought you would be on. Creating your destiny is possible for anyone that gives up the excuses of why and how life is happening to them.

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It is completely liberating when you create and now you are not a weak victim of society and the world. Everything will change in your life when you choose to make it happen. You create more beautiful friendships; you create wealth and abundance by creating businesses or more income. You open up your life to limitless possibilities that would not be possible if you do not take control of it right now! Travel around the world, contribute to charitable causes or create them yourself.

This is how new innovations are created all the time and how the world and people have advanced so much, especially in the most recent years of our lives. There was no excuse back 100 years ago, as it was possible in the same regard then but even more so possible now with all the information at our hands and technology to make things happen so much more easier.

Why You Shouldn't be a Consumer

As a consumer you are just being marketed by somebody else that is creating products or services to build what they want. You are taking money and time away from what you should be building or doing. This does not apply with everything as you can use products or services to create more time or to achieve your goals. But generally most people are being consumers only and throwing away their life to others who have gotten your attention because you are most likely not focused on yourself and goals.

This is a key reason to stay busy on your dreams, creating what you want out of life. You then will be spending less time and money building other people’s dreams and more on your own.

The average person is watching T.V, spending money and time on a night out. This is all in favor of the creators that put that there to get your attention and then market you further for even more.

Can you see how counterproductive it is for you?

Spend Your Time Wisely

As consumers we waste time not building ourselves, money wasted to maintain these hobbies, products, or services.

Creators are spending most of their time keeping busy, which then allows them spend much less money on useless things and not waste any of their time.

Creating usually is done by servicing others, which is extremely gratifying. As consumers we are only satisfying ourselves, it is all about our own needs.

Fulfilling only our emotional well being is not very satisfying but just a short term high that windless down quickly. These highs are not fulfilling to our human nature as much as progression, completion, and contribution are. The short term highs will make us unhappy because what goes up must come down, when it is not truly fulfilling.

When you are a creator, everyday is a blank page that you can fill in with whatever you truly desire. That sounds like the life I want, rather than letting life just happen to you.

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