Vulnerability + Leadership = Two Amazing Traits to Have

Showing Vulnerability and Being a Leader

These two traits are so powerful and bring you so much value in the world. They are such great qualities to have that many do not carry with themselves. They take a great deal of letting go of your ego and may be why it is hard for others to portray.

Both are great qualities on their own but when you mix both together, it is a recipe for huge influence and value.

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Leadership is really a very simple quality, much more then what people assume but fear is often causing others to lack this. It is the very simple trait of when you know you should speak up and say something, take initiative, or walk away and let something go. There are loads of benefits to being a leader in the simplest circumstances.

Some basic characteristics of leadership qualities are:

Being Confident: most communication comes from non-verbal cues and people believe/listen to you when you have confidence. Honesty: gives you more credibility even when you think it will devalue yourself. Focus: Leaders keep their attention to the most important aspects of what they are doing and others will respect you for that. Being Positive: it may go against some beliefs people have but everyone wants to be happy, it is what we all search for in life.

Decisive: this is close to confidence but when you make decisions quickly, it keeps things flowing positively. This is a perfect chance for you to increase you leadership qualities as it happens so often. For example, when a group of people are standing around and everyone is being polite, nobody wants to make the first decisions or act quickly but a leader keeps the conversations flowing, situations moving, and the line in order. It will pop in your head right away what you should do, you may coordinate the others to take action themselves and it will be appreciated and bring that value to you. Inspire: all these qualities will inspire others to be like these ways. When people see how another person has done it, they will do it. We are influenced by everything around us and we all follow the monkey see monkey do theory because we now trust that it works. Fear is broken down and we can now take action to do it ourselves.


Vulnerability almost relates to being a leader in all ways. It is about putting yourself out there, being up front and honest. Showing your insecurities and not being ashamed about them but confident. This creates more trust, respect and loyalty. When you do this it creates massive value, people see you in a new light and respect you greatly after.

Why do others respect these qualities in leaders? Because as much as they do not do them, they want to be just like that. People can see the truth in life and may ignore it because it doesn’t fit their current beliefs but they respect it and wish they were like that. Plus it usually makes the environment better so everyone gets in a better mood.

A personal relating story

I was working out behind a guy that was doing should press with a free weight bar. He was a strong ripped guy. He missed the ledge when he was putting the bar down when he was done his set. I happened to have this happen to me just a few weeks ago and hurt my shoulder.

While most ignored what had happened, most likely because they don’t want to embarrass him or were fearful to say anything, I approached him right away. I said are you alright? He assured he was and explained what happen. I said I had the same exact thing happen to me recently, and talked about why it occurred (the set up is terrible and stationary).

We casually talked about the problems of the set up and shoulder pressing. I then told him let me know if you need a spot cause of how awkward it was. He said he was going to lower the weight and should be fine. I noticed later in the gym session and in the change room he looked at me as if I was glowing. I believe he appreciated and respected how I came up to him, showed my vulnerability and leadership quality to actually come up to him confidently during that slip up.

This is just one example of so many that can really change the value of yourself and character with people.

When the time comes when you should step up, your intuition tells you, do so and do it immediately. You will feel a sense of pride and a new respect will start to unfold within yourself and within the eyes of your peers.

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