How the Great Transform to be the BEST!! 🎯✅

How the Great Become the BEST

How do professionals become the best there ever was? What makes them be even better than the top performers in there industries?? Is it natural ability they are born with? As we discuss here, that is not the case and you too can apply the steps to be the best at any skill or goal you want to accomplish in life.

Practicing new behaviors is vital to becoming the best at what we do. Often people attend seminars, conferences, educate themselves in whatever ways but fail to actually try/practice the new skills that they have been taught. Only a fraction of people and professionals actually apply what they studied. When leaders combine too much motivation with too few opportunities to improve ability, they don’t produce change and then create resentment and depression. Influence masters typically take the opposite track by overinvesting in strategies that increase ability and avoid trying to solve ability problems with stronger motivational techniques.

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Much of will is skill and practice. To make things happen it takes a priming of practicing the skills needed to achieve those goals. Perfect practice makes perfect. There is little evidence that people who achieve exceptional performance ever do so by any means other than carefully guided practice. “Perfect Practice” It is almost never a matter of genetics but of knowing how to enhance your skills through deliberate practice.

Olympic Athletes vs Professional Athletes

Using ice skaters as an example – Olympic hopefuls work on skills they have not yet mastered, while club skater in contract work on skills they’ve already mastered. Armature skaters tend to spend half of their time at the rink chatting with friends and not practicing at all. Ice skaters, who spend the same number of hour on the ice, achieve very different results because they practice in very different ways.

This applies to any skill at all, any business at all, whatever you need to learn you must do it in the best way to achieve the best results.

Another athlete example is a basketball player. While a great player will try to improve how many free through he will make in his game, the best player will work on tucking his elbow in because it gives him a better follow through.

Learn from the BEST

This is why even the VERY best people in their industries have coaches, mentors, or professionals they listen to. They may have some skill but need that knowledge to become the best or better. This is why you need to listen to fewer people and listen to the most successful, knowledgeable, enlightened, ect.

That does not mean you should never listen to others, that wouldn’t be nice and you can always learn things for everybody even a child. But when it comes down to learning specific skills, you should listen to the ones that have achieved the success you want.

Perfect Practice, Makes Perfect

Not all practice is good practice. Simple tasks reach their highest level of proficiency after about 50 hours of practice. We can then execute them with minimal effort but typically further development stops. We assume we’ve reached our highest performance level and don’t think we need to learn better methods, so we stop learning.

I have done this many times in my life!! That is ego taking over and destroying our beautiful progression and unfolding. Deliberate practice requires complete attention and that will be a main focus of topic in my next blog tomorrow.

Receiving Feedback is Crucial!

Receiving frequent feedback is far more important than practicing a skill. This is how again you will make leaps and bounds. Some coaches or mentors will charge very high amounts of money for consultation, could be upwards of 25k+ for just a phone call. This phone call may just entail 1 or 2 simple sentences of tasks you should be focusing on or performing.

Majority of people would call this a rip off and not worth. They already know, it is the only step you need to do to accomplish what is needed.

Set Mini Goals over Large ones

Set mini goals for yourself then have someone of importance to give you direct specific feedback on what you need to do for improvement. Work on that and master this small task. Then you are on to the next one and becoming a master at the big picture.

Prepare for Failures

Prepare yourself for failures and build up your resilience. During the early part of your journey, working on mini goals and having success, you may find that you are use to success and completion. If we only face success for a good amount of time, then failures will be discouraging when they arise down the road.

A short history of easy success can create a false expectation that not much effort is required. Then when problems come up, we can be discouraged and give up.

Remember... Effort, persistence, and resiliency are eventually rewarded with success.

How to be Prepared

To be prepared for this also we must learn emotional skills. How to control our emotions and stay on the path we intended too. Throughout the process we can be triggered by many different circumstances. When we have a control on our emotions, our emotions do not dictate our decisions.

Another tip to help prevent our emotions from causing us to act up is to remember our brain has two systems to it, a go system and a delay system. If we can turn our attention to delaying our temptations and actions when triggered by emotional circumstances, then often we can keep delaying and allow that triggering emotions or thoughts to pass. The longer we can delay the easier it will be to prevent ourselves from taking that non-beneficial action.

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When dealing with our complex tasks and how to resolve persistent problems, demand more from yourself then achievement levels you reach after minimal effort. Instead practice new and more vital behaviors, habits, and patterns.

Devote attention to clear, specific, and repeatable actions. Make sure the actions are recognizable and replicable. Seek outside help and insist on immediate feedback. Break tasks into specific actions and sets goals for each.

Make sure to apply these to physical, intellectual, and even complex social skills. Many behaviors require to solve complex problems demand advanced interpersonal problem solving skills that can only be mastered through research and deliberate practice.

Lots of information, I know but wow is this powerful stuff or what!! Most of this topic came to me from the book Influencer the power to change anything. It is outstanding!

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