Know that You Don't know Everything.... Better to Think You know Nothing!! 💡

Do you ever find that people who are stuck in there problems are always talking about them, playing the victim in every which way?

Then you notice that they have an answer for everything. Know exactly why they are in the situation they are, why people should act a certain way, pointing the finger and so on.

If you know what is causing your problems or just have an answer for everything, you should be doing pretty darn well for yourself! Not to mention, most people that have it together are focusing on what they have to do, listening more to what others have to say. I find it frustrating to hear some people's thought patterns, mindset, and overall awareness to any given situation.

Guess what? I am guilty of this! What I did was attend the school of hard knocks. Had to learn the hard way. Being stubborn, know it all, never want to be vulnerable and wrong is a HUGE setback to your growth. If you do not attain more perspective all the time, you will be very lost because even when your super aware and open to learn, you can still be quite clouded at times.

What were my lessons? Heavy 6 figure losses and a downward spiral of events in my life because I wasn't making the necessary changes I needed to for me at those points in my life.

We can all move forward blissfully if we want. Life can open up to us, if we want. Do not be subject to your current thinking for your entire life!! That would be a major disservice to yourself and the intelligence of human beings.

Now all I do is listen, ask questions, be curious and connect with others! Everything opens up and the past is a distant memory.


My Previous Posts

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VLOG #4 - Community building & Connecting, Steemit Moral, Being a Creator, Tip to Take Action Always

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