Never Look Back in Life...Let Me Explain Why??

You never need to look back in life even if you need information. Reviewing your life moments, contemplating if you made the right decisions, assessing the mistakes you made...

...are all not needed or even beneficial because everything you have ever done or learned is stored in your brain like a super computer. This information can be pulled at any moment without the extra thought to do so. This is great as you do not need to worry about remembering data that you'll need in the future. This also means you do not need to review your life's most biggest mistakes. You can move on and it will help you progress much further in everything.

You will live in the moment and enhance you life to enjoy every second. You will become better and clearer in every aspect. Your intellect will increase as stress will evaporate. Now you do not waste hours of dwelling on the same thoughts over and over again, not learning anything new. When you are in the present moment you will preform better, take action more frequently, and be happy no matter what is happening.

Always be present, look forward, and your dreams will always be a reality.


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