Connecting Online is Great but Personal Connections are MUCH More Influential and Important!

Connecting with people online is just not the same as doing the same thing in person. In real life it gets much more complicated and so much more wonderful. People build way better relationships in person as so many factors come in such as feelings, body language, tone, focus, phrasing your words and much more.

Your feeling of importance in the world and connection to the world, society, and humans is made more so in person with energy(emotions). Feelings are what drives us and is everything in our world. My life changed around when I learned the value of connecting with strangers all the time. How it makes your feel, what you learn, the expansion of life!! Online connecting is just not the same, it is much more toned down.

Don't get me wrong, it is a great wonderful tool and can help build tons of friendships and connections. But even if you have a huge influence on social media, your influence is always stronger in person. What I mean by this is, say you are well know on social media. Millions of followers. You asked another very influential person for a favor for the first time but get no response out of it. You then see the person and have a quick 2 minute down to earth chat and boom they are in, why not, they say?! In person you have much more influence and as well as you will be moved more in person.

Don't forget to build in person relationships... your influence goes a lot further then online.


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