GET ATTENTION!!πŸ€—πŸ˜± Why We All Should


Social Media is the most powerful tool for everyone is this day in age. If you want to build your business, connect with others to expand your mind. There are so many benefits to having engagement online in this day in age but we MUST get ATTENTION for that to happen!!

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Future Job Market

My thought process on what will entail in the job force in the future is that we will have many less jobs because of technology. Many people will start to have to look for opportunities online. Tony Robbins in one of his most recent books mentioned that in the next decade, 7/10 jobs with be online. That is a massive shift from what we have had in the past, for all of existence!

Many people will need to learn how to get tons of attention and engagement online with customers, viewers, and so on. This will be some people’s only means of income. You need to monetize a following. Everything in life is sales, helping people get what they need, offering products or services with more value than what people are paying.

Online Personalities

I believe that online personalities will be such a huge business. So many people are already watching online content and getting ALL there information from social media and anywhere on the internet. What I think will happen, if it hasn't already is...people are now getting tiresome of the usual cookie cutter TV programs and how the old ways have been in watching what we like. Everyone can tell and has heard that everything is staged and it’s getting boring.

People are gravitating towards unique creators, live content, things that are fresh new and REAL! The future I believe will be, everyone will have their few β€œstations” or channels they watch of unique creators that connect well with them. It will not be a strong 50 stations that control the market or even 100 but Thousand and possible Millions of them.

Another strong reason to be on social media, getting attention and building your own content is that we are creators! When you are a creator of your own reality, which will all should be, that is how you will get what YOU want in life and not let life unfold unexpectedly or not the way you want. What many people do by the way and call it there bad luck and say life just isn’t fair! This is because you did not take your own action, create your life the way you want and stopped being the victim of your circumstances. Let me tell you, you can create everything you want in life but you have to plan and execute!


Remember that if other people are gaining your attention, they are influencing for their own gain. You are at their mercy to do things that they want. They are already doing one thing they want you to do and that is watching them. After that they will try to influence you to do more things in there benefit.

However you need to get attention, just do it. Do not let guilt, fear, worry dictate what you know you want and need to get. You may get criticism but this is good. People want you to conform because they do that. Look at the most successful and powerful people today.

For example, The Kardashian's. You may hate them as many people do but they are getting so much attention that they can influence so many people and their pockets are getting full. Look at the presidents of the United States, half the country usually hates them but they are the most looked up to, successful, and powerful people. This goes for most leaders, dictators, and all top notch people around the world. They are hated because those people are not where they are, they are going against what their values are, and that’s all.

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So if you want to make an impact in this world. If you want to be a successful person in this technology age, you must GET ATTENTION!


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