PUSH YOURSELF! To Get What You Deserve!! πŸ’ƒπŸƒ


Are you settling in life because you think of the time you want off? To sleep in more, go out to more, vacation all the time? Are you looking for jobs and opportunities that just take care of the necessities with ample downtime?

This is destroying your dreams, your visions, your creativity, your happiness, your purpose. You are becoming dormant in everything. Just doing enough is a setup for failure. If you do not dream bigger, you will never find out how to do it or that you are capable of it!

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What Should You Do?

One is, know your worth. If you don’t know your worth, you won’t do what is necessary to achieve your goals or those huge dreams. You will not find out what the steps are to achieve it. What the business you should be in. What that correct weight is for you to be. How much love you should give or receive. You will not have the confidence to close the deal with yourself or in any circumstance. Why? Because you do not believe in it, so why would anybody else?

If you do not believe in yourself or business, you are selling the wrong product, business, service or information. The same goes for the things you tell yourself to motivate and complete what you need to.

Have belief that you deserve it, that it is right, and you can do it.


Why is American the most powerful country on the earth? Work ethic; Why is the middle class and everyone in between failing? They only want to do just enough. They do not push themselves to achieve greatness and then when the "bleep" hits the fan, they go bust, broke and have no idea what to do.

Another way to push yourself is, knowing your value. Know that you deserve to make a million dollars are year because you are bringing that much value to the market place or world. And this does not have to be about money, it relates to everything in your life.

Know that you deserve to have great health because why shouldn’t you? Push to have an amazing family with top notch values and standards. Don’t be complacent, that will kill you! Destroy your well being. We are meant to progress, contribute, and achieve. This can only be done by dominating and pushing ourselves every day, building skills and muscles through patterns and habits. Listening to the best in our field we are learning about.

Simple Ways to Grow, Expand and Become the Best

Most people do not do this, they think it is not important enough but let me tell you, it is SO POWERFUL.

Write down your goals and be specific. When you write down things in your own hand writing, it makes it much more real and powerful. When you get super specific, you brain can now start to piece together each step you need to take to complete that goal or task. You now know where to look for information because you know what step 1 is finally and clearly. When you are not specific, you will not know where to start, where to get information and definitely not take the action to do it!

Talk to tons of people. Don’t take to heart or learn from everyone completely but create more and more connections. This creates loads of value in you. It will motivate you more; you’ll find more opportunities and new information to learn about. You will have people to keep your committed to the world and your craft. It will take stress off your current problems because you will only think of new solutions and opportunities when talking to other people. They do not want to hear your problems so you will have to forget them! Plus you will have so much fun with new people and make loads of new great connections.

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Keeping Pushing Steemians!! Have a fantastic day!


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