Subway times 地铁时代!


For the metropolis cities like Beijing or Shanghai, subway is very common , but for Dalian, it’s a new thing , it has been used for only three years.

The subway line 1 and Metro Line 2, which have been built and have been used since 2014. It really makes us feel the convenience and travel fast .




A few days ago, I took the subway from habour bridge to union road for less twenty minutes. So if you want to go to another place , take the subway , and you won’t be worried about the traffic jams.




Let us remember the beginning of the building the subway, there were lots of difficulties because of the special geographical environment in Dalian . Dalian is a coastal city near the sea, and underground is mostly made up of rocks which makes it difficult to construct .

Metro Line 4 and line 5 are expected to be used in 2021. At that time Dalian would really get into the subway times. From south to north, taking the subway will be the best choice for people to go out .

Every new thing will always face such problems before it is created, but as long as we constantly explore and learn to grasp it , we will overcome the difficulties and make a great progress. Wish life will be better and better in the future.

对于北京啊, 上海啊,这些一线大城市,大家对地铁是司空见惯,而且依赖性非常强的出门交通工具。但是地铁对大连来说还是个新鲜事物,才刚刚起步。


前几天,我从港湾桥到联合路不到20分钟的时间,我看了, 平均每个站点2分钟左右,因此地铁的开通极大的便利了人们的出行, 市民再也不用受交通阻塞的气了。

想想当初,大连因为地理环境,地里构造,对地铁的建设走走停停, 如今真正通车也是很不容易的。大连地处沿海,地下多为岩石, 因此对地铁施工造成了难度。

规划中的地铁4号线, 5号线正在建设中,预计2021年将会通车。那时候大连将真正进入地铁时代。从南到北会大大的缩短时间差距。地铁也会成为交通工具的宠儿。

每个新鲜事物在诞生之前, 总会有这样那样的问题,但是只要不断的探索,不断的弥补掉不足,总会不断的前进。不能因为把门打开,会放进来苍蝇和蚊子,就紧闭房门。在事物发展的过程中,只要不断克服困难, 解决问题,这个社会才会更好的进步!

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