
"In case you forgot to remind yourself this morning... Your butt is perfect. You smile lights up the room. Your mind is insanely cool. You are way more than enough. And you are doing an amazing job at life."

Hi, Steemians! I'm Rosallie, helping you to be inspired today. 😉😊

Here Are Some Tips on Becoming More Interesting and Fun Person


"When you truly don't care what anyone thinks of you, you have reached a dangerously awesome level of freedom."

People now a day is having a hard time knowing who they really are and what they really like. They confuse other people's wants and choices as theirs. They thought people will only like and accept them if they blend in. They are so afraid of rejection that they are very willing to live their lives full of fakery.

I have a friend that doesn't truly care what other people think about her. She's a plus size woman and she can flaunt her body wearing a bikini. She can confidently walk gracefully around the pool without giving a d*mn. I admire and find her interesting because of her confidence.

I'm not suggesting that you do the same thing. Just be comfortable in your own skin. Know who you are. What you want and what you don't want.

"DON'T CHANGE so people will like you. BE YOURSELF and the right people will love the REAL YOU."


"You can not change the people around you. But you can change the people that you choose to be around."

I have a classmate before where she considers everyone as her friend. She treats everyone as her close friend or bff. But the thing is she gossip and laugh at her "friend" who is not around. She tells her "other friend" why that friend is funny. So basically she gossip, criticize and make fun of her friend who is not around and tells her friend's secret to everyone. Which is not cool.

So we must be selective of our friends. Be with people that enjoy and appreciate your true self, and people that can embrace your flaws. People that can help you grow into becoming a better person.

Being in the right circle means you don't need to live a life full of fakery. You need not wear any masks to blend in and be accepted. For they will love your weirdness and they will accept you no matter how "abnormal" you are.


"Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talk. Respect is earned not given."

Though your right friends will accept and love your flaws you must know your boundaries.
You must know how to respect their thoughts, decisions, etc. Treat them as you want others to treat you.

I and my mother get interested to people who know how to treat others with respect. When my mother admires people, young or old, because of how they treat and respect others, she then starts asking series of questions like their name, their parent's name, where they live and more.


"The more value you ADD to the lives of others, the more VALUABLE YOU become."

Based on my experiences, the above quote is 100% true. Disclaimer: I'm not blowing my own horn. I just want to share my experiences and what others are saying to effectively illustrate my point.

Every time I meet someone, I cannot help myself but share my thoughts, ideas, and dreams with others. Just like what I am doing here at steemit where I share all my ideas and wisdom that I've learned from my experiences, readings, and videos.

My friends love hearing my ideas and all, that is why I always receive this kind of line from my friends and other people, "I love being with you because I learned a lot of things from you."

This kind of line is music to my ears. It inspires me to do more.

I wrote this to remind everyone that being fun and interesting person is not as hard and complicated as we think. It's about being who we really are. It's about finding the right people with the same value and philosophies that we do. It's about how we treat them. How we appreciate even the little things that they do and say. And most importantly, giving additional values to their lives.

"The biggest challenge of life is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else."

Own who you are. Be authentic. When you do that; the right person, the right friends, and even the right followers will come.


I will highly appreciate it.😊😊😊


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