MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY: Reasons Why I should Not Quit Writing Even If I'm Only Earning A Few Cents To A Dollar


"It's not about how fast and how far you have to go. It's about digging deep and pushing yourself to keep moving forward."

Growing up, until 2013, I easily gave up on every opportunity that I have. I give up because it's hard; because others don't see me as worthy to be there; I give up because I'm bored; I gave up because I allow other voices to be louder than my own.


I have many opportunities that I've wasted because I easily gave up on things before. As you can see, the picture below perfectly explains everything that I did. I was that old, bald man wearing white long sleeves and brown necktie. I gave up not knowing that I am one step closer to my breakthroughs.



Happier Than Before

Since I started writing daily, in form of a blog post or comments, I am excited and happier to wake up each day. I'm excited to read and interact, especially posts and comments from the people I am following.


Sense Of Accomplishment

Every time I published, I have this feeling that I achieved something great today and that feeling last for a long time. I became addicted to Steemit. No matter how busy I am, I always find time to check my Steemit account. I seldom open my facebook account to the point that one of my friends ask me through facebook chat if I'm still alive.


Observe Number Of Progress

Since I joint Steemit I learned a lot of skills and I saw a lot of improvement in myself. Many Steemian pointed out qualities that I know I don't have before. Like for example me being so organized. I laughed so hard when I read it in the comment section on my post for I know deep inside I am not organized at all. But looking at how I managed to track every accomplishments and goal here on Steemit, I should agree that I am now becoming organized than ever before.


Enhance Writing Skills, Grammar & Punctuation

When you read my first post Steemit Newbie: 3 Reasons Why I'm Here

you'll see that my primary purpose is to improve my writing skills & grammar. I am here so I could sharpen my skills in writing so I may be able to become a successful blogger, and author someday.


Meet Wonderful People & Create New Friends

This one of the best platforms to meet and make friends with intelligent people. I say intelligent for I haven't met anyone who is rude and disrespectful of other people's post. Yes, there are people who honestly tell you what they want and what they don't want, and you learn something from them. Unlike the comments and posts that you will see on Facebook. You can find people with common interest and you'll be very excited to read their posts knowing that it's not a "garbage" post.


You'll see people who tried their very best to write and share the things that they wanted to share even if they are not that good in writing and you'll appreciate their efforts in trying. I, myself is not that good at writing but I tried to give my 101% when I make a content. Through our content, we are able to find interesting people that could change our perspective and all which makes Steemit more addictive and enjoyable.


Learn New Things Every Single Day

Because there are many people writing daily on Steemit with a diverse genre, we are able to learn many things from each other's posts. I, myself read more than 5 posts a day. Let say I read 5 posts per day, in a year, I manage to read 1,825 articles. Can you imagine what kind of person you are becoming a year from now if you apply even a hundred lesson of what you learned?


Opportunity To Inspire & Teach

Nothing is more fulfilling knowing that you help and save someone's life just by inspiring and teaching them. Words are so powerful. It can bend and mend people. And I am so happy that people here in Steemit use their words to mend people.


Steemit is not just about earning money. It's creating a wonderful community that can potentially change not only the online world but also our world. Through Steemit, we can potentially change the world to make it a better place to live not just for us, but for our next generations to come.


Steemit can transform us into becoming the best version of ourselves. And that alone is a very powerful reason to continue writing. It can actually save you money because you may not need a Psychiatrist to talk about your problems and difficulties because there are communities in Steemit that can actually listen and inspire you. I'm not saying that you no longer visit your Psychiatrist and make Steemit as an alternative but Steemit can lessen that possibility of you making visits to your Psychiatrist.

Talk to you again later for our SELF-HELP TUESDAY post. I would never have thought about this topic if not for @winarobert. In one of my posts, I did ask for topics that I could write related to self-development and he suggested this topic to me. So the title of my next post is SELF-HELP TUESDAY: How To Live Life When You Keep Failing To Achieve Your Goals. Make sure to keep an eye on my next post today. Talk to you soon.

Do you have any questions, clarifications, suggestions or violent reactions? Please comment down below. I would love to know your thoughts and opinions. Thank you!



REFLECTIVE SUNDAY: Learning and Target Goals for October 02-08, 2017
SATURDAY PROGRESS REPORT # 1: Achievements and Failures of a 24 Day Old Steemian
FIRDAY QUOTE: DON'T GIVE UP! The beginning is always the hardest
AMAZING THURSDAY: Recognizing Steemian Who Is Pouring Their Heart And Soul On Their Content Creation
4 Things That Do Not Matter In Life
Becoming more interesting and Fun Person
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6 Morning Habits That Can Improve Your Life
8 Things To Do When Everyone Told You To Die
6 Most Important Things for A Woman to Learn in Life
6 Mindset Every Steemian Should Have
How to Stop Worrying About What Other People Think
DIY: How to Prevent and Cope with Depression
Introduce Yourself: In-Depth Version
Paypal Account:How to Downgrade Your Account from Business to Personal Account
Steemit Newbie:3 Reasons Why I'm Here

Copyright © 2017, @iamrosallie and or All rights reserved.
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