The Salad Travesty

Well this is a first, I thought to myself, I would be a very happy hamster right now...

Yesterday I decided to treat myself.

A bit of time in town taking photos, and a cheeky little lunch out would be lovely. My venue of choice for said lunch was the Millennium Galleries in the city centre.

The Millennium Galleries is a museum and art gallery, opened 16 years ago (how time flies) as part of a 'make Sheffield more cool and interesting' project.

The project was clearly called something else, but you get my drift.

I'll bet there's some nice food on offer here, I thought to myself.

After all, it's the infamous Millennium Galleries!

After a quick squiz around at some of the permanent installations like this moving 3 headed giraffe monster made of spoons.

(A must in any art gallery, I hear)...

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...I nipped into the cafe to soothe my rumbling tummy.

What I wanted was something simple, yet delicious.

So I opted for a couple of hot vegetable samosas.

Would you like to add a side salad? It's £.250 extra


Well hey, I thought, rubbing my hands in glee. It must be one of those, super delicious fancy side salads. You know the ones with toasted pine nuts, artichoke hearts, edamame beans, parmesan shavings and all that jazz.

Hell yeah! I said.

(Actually I said, yes please but in my mind I'm always a lot cooler than I actually am).

I went and chose my seat and waited.

10 minutes later I was presented with this:

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Now to be clear, this is a small plate.

And I could pick up this undressed, wilting, completely unexciting salad that cost me two and a half of my finest pounds, in one (small) hand.


A salad fit for a hamster!

I guess the waitress forgot to look me in the eye and say, this is not the salad you are looking for or something.

Anyway, considering I posted yesterday morning about my conviction that the day would be 100% full of successes and victories, I thought I'd better get this turned around right now by seeking out the success in an otherwise disappointingly defeated lunch time.

Here we go...

  1. I now know never to eat at the Millennium Galleries again! Phew, this has saved me many a disappointing lunch in the future.

  2. I have a new-found appreciation of the salads I make at home. Apparently I am the Salad Queen.

  3. I got some stuff to write about today.

  4. I was so hungry by the evening that the home made fish and chips we had for dinner was super delicioso.

  5. I had a good laugh.

  6. The waitresses probably had a good laugh.

  7. My £2.50 was clearly far better off hanging around the museum than sitting in the dark of my wallet.


Huzzah!! Victory is mine again!!

photos by @johleen
hamster image from here
Giph from

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