The Victory

The alarm went off at 6am.

A bit of nudging and grunting from my other half prompted me to open one sleepy eye, reach over and turn off the alarm. I congratulated myself on having the wherewithal to get up early, meditate and exercise before the kids got up, and then promptly went back to sleep.

30 seconds later an hour had passed...

And what was supposed to be an oh so beautiful, peaceful and virtuous start to the day became a manic riot of multitasking madness.


My love turned to me,

You know the hour between 6 and 7am doesn't really exist, right?

I know, I said, and mentally flicked on my 'can multitask anytime, anywhere, anyhow' switch.

For the next 60 minutes I simultaneously made toast, found socks, shoved food into lunchboxes, fed the cats, refused a game of cards, washed my hair, shouted, cajooled, flew up and down the stairs and poured coffee in the general direction of my face, before driving triumphantly into school like we'd just won the 4X4 world athletics relay.

I texted my love,

"Happy kids. On time. We Win!"

Sweet! he replied.

And as I sauntered into my office with a victorious smile on my face, I thought about how it really is the small successes in life that buoy you up and put a spring in your step.

Not that big wins aren't fantastic, but these little wins see you through the day.

They make you feel like you're on top of things.

Like you can handle life. Like you're in charge.

They make you feel that your big wins are actually within reach because you've got your shit together

The bottom line is, any big success in life is really just a sequence of small successes. And each small success is really just a string of tiny successes.

And on top of that, every failure is a success when you learn something from it.

So, I'm happy to sit here feeling like I just single-handedly won the battle of Waterloo because the kids are in school on time. And I'm pretty sure that the cup of coffee I make in a minute will also be a resounding success. Then I'm going to answer my emails and rejoice in yet another victory of the day.

Heck, I can see today going down in history as one magnificent success after another.

And tomorrow.

And the day after that... :)

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Much love!

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