What it Feels Like to Live in Your Passion Zone

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Hey there my friend! Ken here @kenmelendez back at'cha with a fresh new video. I truly enjoy creating and publishing content to help add value to your life in some shape or form. If this is your first time stopping by my channel, welcome and enjoy your stay. Feel free to subscribe below if you like what you see.

The plan was to shoot this video in my favorite spot out in the field near my home. But, my plan was quickly changed when I started getting eaten up by mosquitoes. Normally they aren't too bad but it recently rained a lot and the air is pretty moist. So, instead of the field, I am standing outside of my car near the field which is the next best thing.

I'd like to share something with you that I have discovered over this past year which is what it feels like to live in your passion zone. The other day, I realized that I truly am living the dream. I'm living my life doing what I love which is creating content and spreading value online. Of course, I enjoy many other things as well, but using my creativity is what brings so much joy into my life.

How do you know you are living your passion? You know it when you truly enjoy that endeavor, regardless of the outcome. It's when you love pursuing a certain action no matter what anyone else says, and you receive joy from that pursuit. Your passion can simply be something that you have an interest in and that gets you super excited. That is your passion zone...that is your sweet spot.

Have you ever been in a room with someone and they ask you what you've been up to lately, and you start to get really excited and then can't stop talking about a certain topic? That's your passion zone talking. That is when you know your true passion.

Here's what it feels like for me when I am living in my passion zone...it feels like every cell in my body is lit up. It feels like a fire inside of me has been set off and is blazing with hope and joy. When I shoot videos, write a post, or send someone an encouraging word in a message, I have this sense that I am changing the world and making a big difference in other's lives.

Keep in mind, everyone's passion is going to be different and will also feel a bit different. But, there are three main shifts within your soul that should feel when you are living in your passion zone and they are:


When you are doing what you were put on this earth to do, you should be feeling an overwhelming sense of joy in your spirit. Obviously not every second of the day, but more often that not, you should be walking and talking differently from others who are not living in their passion zone. No matter what is happening in your life, you have this inner joy that sets you apart from the rest of the crowd and others will be able to see it on your face.

Thought patterns

Your thought patterns will shift when you are living in your passion zone. They will shift your mind towards attaining what it is you truly desire as an end goal. Before you were living your passion, you most likely did not believe that you were capable of achieving your dreams. But now, your thought patterns have shifted towards that of abundance and opportunity around every corner.


This one has made the biggest difference for me in my journey. Energy. Your energy will be on a whole 'nother level when you are living in your passion zone. Your cells will be awakened and people will begin to notice a change in you. The way you walk, the way you talk, the overall way that you feel each day.

You will be waking up in the morning full of zest and purpose for the day. Also, new opportunities and experiences will be attracted to you that assist you in reaching your goals. All of that will manifest when you are living in your passion zone. I want you to experience that my friend...it is nothing short of incredible.

What it shouldn't feel like

You'll know you are not living in your passion zone when you are experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety, or frustration for extended periods of time. If you are falling prey to these emotions, then you need to make an immediate switch in your thoughts and actions.

It is best to stop, take a deep breath, and re-evaluate your choices. Then, figure out what it is that gets you excited. From there, you will begin taking different actions that line up with that passion or level of enjoyment. If you still are unsure what direction you should go, I suggest speaking with a close mentor or influential person whom you trust and also value their input.

So here's the million dollar question...are you living in your passion zone? Are you doing what makes you feel joy and happiness? Has your energy shifted where every cell in your body gets lit up as a result? It will almost feel like an endorphin rush when your energy at this level.

I hope that this message added value to your life and helped you to think about where you are in life right now and also where you would like to be. What do you want your life to be about? I suggest, that you do what you love now, so you don't experience regret later.

This has been @kenmelendez signing out. See you next time my friend. Hope you have an amazing rest of your day :)

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P.S. Leave your thoughts below so we can carry on this conversation together :)

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