Finding Your Center

Hi Steemians, weekend is finally here and I hope you have a wonderful time of rest and catch up with friends and family.

Most of the time, weekends for me, is my Sabbath (a time of rest); and it is when I find my center through different ways.

Lately, I know I have been thrown off by my center, because there have been so many things happening. Most of them are not bad things; just that I was not able to quickly balance it up, realigning myself with my own methods

No offence to those who has been trying (too hard) to help me (in the real world), but everyone has very different way to re-align because I know they have good intentions. One can only do so much to suggest, the rest, it is up to the individual to expand and find his / her own way to remain center.

(I really appreciate their well intentions, but it is draining more than up-building sometimes)

Unless that person totally has no direction, then yes, it is very important to help to re-align the poor lost soul by giving some directions.

One man’s food is another man’s poison. I forgot where I read this, but it stuck with me till this day.

So... Why Finding Your Center is Important?

Imagine the spinning top that is out of balance

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Look how unstable the spinning top is.

Like humans, it is all over the place, it could not stand still. And for us human reactions, the first sign is grouchy.

This is probably when you are pulled from all sides and you are trying to oblige human desires. Not centered desires.

For me, fellowship and outings are fine, they are really good for the soul, but when it starts to drain me, I know I am out of focus.

Some, on the other hand, finds meeting people helps keeping him / her centered. Because probably that’s the only one thing he / she needs.

(Or so it seems? Some are running away, taking it as refuge ... who knows?)

Being Centered Brings Life

Why would I say that? Because from my experience and observation, inspiration flourishes when one is centered.
Don’t believe me? This is what I see...

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@awakentolife finds his center from sunrise and sunset. Most of his most inspirational posts usually come out when his soul is quiet at a beautiful sunrise / sunset. The creativity and what flows out from his heart is so uplifting. At least this is what I can feel it when I read his work.

Credit image: Source

@Heart-to-heart finds her center from making good vegan food, or attending to her garden, I know that because when she speaks about it her eyes lights up and how she writes about her culinary discovery is even livelier than her entertaining adventures of her life. I can tell when she had a really great day with her garden and when she returns to her laptop, that flow comes out differently.

(Do click on the word source; it will lead you to their post I delighted to read)

When everything comes to a single fold of concentrated light.

Staying center, in my experience and my observation, is when your mind is so focus, your mind is quiet, so quiet you find that voice deep inside you could speaks to you.

It is not emptying your mind.

It is silencing the noise when you are focused. To the dot.

* * *

What about me?

My center; is God.

Wait, a minute, that’s not God...

That’s just freaking gardening! (some might reacted that way)

It is, when I find Him in the midst of it so focused till He speaks from deep inside of me.

Recently I found so many revelations whenever I work my hands on the earth, especially not for the sake of fulfilling a day’s wage. Everything I touch He teaches what I have read from the Bible. He made the Word make sense. And 100% of the time, it is never condemnation on me. Even though sometimes it is chastising, He speaks with the most loving and caring way to the point I know I am loved.

Even when to others, it is a waste of time; to me, it is a quality time well spent, because it lightens my heart and brightens my view in life.

And that, my dear friends, is how I find my center these days.

Because a centered person is a person who is at peace and in peace.

And when you are centered, nothing is impossible. Just like the infinity spinning top.

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How do you find your center? Do the examples give you some ideas in how you journey out to find your center?

If you are not certain, write down some of the things you usually do, which are giving you energy, and which are draining you. Compare them and see if the things you are doing is draining you or uplifting you.

One more thing

Depression and suicidal thoughts are noises that will distract you from finding your center. Even complying to please people’s needs can become a noise in your life.

And for those who are fighting so hard to be seen ...
Remember you are never an invisible being because you are loved from the day you are formed in your mother’s womb. Nothing is ever an accident. The fact that you are still standing and breathing is a miracle itself.

PS: Being centered and being self-centered is totally 2 different things. One is the positive light that gives life, and one is negative force of destruction.

Thank you for your time

Please click on the logo to read why I have this project of 1000 SBD at the first place.

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