Expressing my thoughts - Motivational Post 6 - "Find a quiet place to silence your mind in order to hear your soul".

Loved spending my peace and quite times on the beaches of Caorle,Italy

Just expressing my thoughts...

Sometimes in life, I find myself having negative thoughts, and like the world is ending type of feeling. I am usually a very positive and motivational person who loves to spread positivity around me. But, every once in a while I get caught up with negative thinking which is hard to shake off. It is normal to get caught in such period of our lives. It is not always easy to shake those thoughts away and soon one negative thought attracts more negativity into our lives. I always wondered why this is happening? I mean if aspire to be a positive person how do I get caught up in all of this negative thinking and emotions?

Well, what if I told you that most of the times the emotions we feel are really not our emotions? We tend to absorb the emotions of other people and happenings around us. They are really not our emotions, but they sure do feel like ours. Personally, for me, I found to be very confused during those times because sometimes I have no idea where these emotions came from.

Like I said I aspire to be a motivational and positive person. The older I get the more I learn about myself and now I can safely say I can identify myself to be an emphatic person. I deeply feel others people emotions around me, and sometimes I know how a person feels with him even telling somethings is wrong. Not to brag or anything but a lot of times I can even feel how somebody is feeling with a simple text message, or by just looking at him even though that person is smiling and appears to be happy. I have surprised a lot of people with it. Usually telling them things about them which they feel but not really express. Sometimes it is really weird for me how much my intuition about the person finds to be correct.

Ok, so what I am trying to tell you is that I absorb a lot of peoples energies around me which can be positive and unfortunately sometimes very negative. I am sure many of you do also without really knowing about it. Just as the energy can be transferred so can the emotions also. Even from a person to a person. So before you diagnose yourself as a negative person first make sure you are not surrounded by negative people, and negative surroundings in general. Most of the time it is the case.

So what to do now is probably what you are asking yourself? I can only speak from my personal experience and how I managed to control my negative periods in life. First thing I did was I found a quiet place just like I found one in this picture above. Every country I go to with basketball I found a similar place such as this one. A place where I can literally. "clear" my thoughts. I love the sea and the gorgeous Adriatic Sea sunsets. They calm me down and help me relax so I can think more clearly.

Breath through your nose while you are trying to "meditate", it helps with calming down. Deep breaths in, deep breaths out.

I don't talk much or at all when I am there. I just think about all the thoughts running through my head. You can't control thoughts running through your thought train, but the more you "meditate", the more you will identify those negative thoughts which are not "yours". They have been transferred on to you by negative people and negative situations around you. How to identify those thoughts? For me, it is simple. Once I calm down I think about the certain thought and I follow what my intuition or my soul is telling me. Usually, the first feeling you get about the thought is the correct one. Once you identify them you can acknowledge them and let them pass out of your mind. It is like finding a virus on your computer and turning on your anit-virus program to clean it out. Plus, you will know exactly from who those thoughts came from. Are their yours or somebodies else's?

Soon you will realize the world is not coming to an end, it just a couple negative thoughts. lol

At least, this is how I make sense of it. As I am not an expert in any sense of the way when it comes to these matters. All I know for sure is this helps me clear my mind of negative thoughts. The more I have done this the easier it got, and I was able to identify those negative people who "corrupt" my mind and my peace. What you do when you find out who they are is entirely up to you. For me, most of them are not a part of my life anymore. The ones who are still part of my life bring way more positivity in my life than their negative periods. Are some people worth the negativity in your life?

This is the only question I ask myself when I am put in this kind of situation in life. I always get my answer listening to my intuition and my soul. I have never let me down so far. At least, since I found the courage to follow it about 3-4 years ago. Identifying the negative people and thoughts in your life is one thing, but following your soul's answers is another. All I know my life had turned for the better since I choose to follow it and trust my "gut feeling" about people and my thoughts.

One thing I know for sure and that is we all need to find our own "quiet place to silence our minds, in order to hear our soul". Sometimes we all get on the negative thinking side of life, and it can be energy draining, and even discouraging. This is why we all need some time alone, to clear our thoughts. We all need the place where we can just relax, take a few deep breaths, calm our minds, and let our soul speak to us. Let it calm our minds, and clear our thoughts. So my friends, find your own place on a beach or any place which you find calming. Tune into your soul "channel" and let it guide you through tough times. Let those negative thoughts wash away from your body.

Listen to your soul...

"Find a quiet place to silence your mind in order to hear your soul".

I don't expect everybody to agree with all that is written here, but if you have an argument please write in the comment section in a civilized way. I will be happy to reply. See you guys in the comment section.

Have an amazing day all,


Here are some of my other motivational posts:

"It is great to stand up for what you believe in, but you also have to be ready to walk alone in order to protect your beliefs."


"Start saying I CAN, and start believing with all your HEART."


"Every day is another opportunity to take steps toward our goals."


"Don't ever be afraid of being YOU in life."





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