Aim high and Do what matters the most 🌟🎯🌟🎯

I am not sure if everyone agrees to this, but our current social systems have taken away our abilities to a major extent. When I say that what it means.

We are getting captivated by our systems, social pressures and peer pressure. The systems are discouraging us to do what matters most for us and rather putting us in the rat race.
We are being encouraged more to settle in easy ways. Our children may have dreams that may not match with our expectations, so do we give them that window to pursue their dreams and what matters most to them or do we pressurize them to do what matters most to us.

Image Source:Pixabay

Not only children but at all stages of life, we face situations where in we need to decide between what matters most to us or what choices and alternatives can we look at. What matters most to us or what we want in life may not be easy but that is where we need to decide how much do we want to stretch and achieve our goals and fulfill our dreams.

We all have capabilities of aiming high and we are also capable of achieving it, we can make things simple or difficult depending on how much it matters to us. If something holds utmost importance in our lives we will do anything to make things work out.

Image Source:Pixabay

When my son was almost completing his schooling days, I wanted him to pursue Architecture, but suddenly he expressed his desire to pursue Finance, as he progressed further he was not even keen on finance and wanted to pursue Conspiracy Research which was completely off stream, unconventional and out of my periphery. There was a lot of resistance in the beginning from my side but eventually I had to give in as he was adamant, eventually I realized that this is what matters most to him. I am also glad that my Son could take his stand and fight out all the odds.

Image Source: Pixabay

When you do something what matters the most to you, it is possible that you will have resisting forces or you may become the odd one out, then it also depends on how much can you let go to get what is important for you.
The most important thing one needs to do is get out of the competition to realize and understand what is important for them. When we are always trying to compare our self with others and be in competition of being better than XYZ then we are crippling our own abilities.

Only when we stop participating in the rat race can we be one step ahead of others and realize our potential.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

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