Why and How is the Mercury Retrograde impacting our lives

We keep hearing it is a Retrograde period from people who follow astrology or are into healing work and a lot of us wonder what is this Retrograde period and why is there so much of noise around it, what is so special about this period and is it just some new age concept. So let's understand a little on this..

What is a Retrograde:
A Retrograde means moving backwards and we also hear this from people that the planets move backwards and hence that is a Retrograde period, but that's a myth a planet does not start moving backward on their orbits, the whole effect is because of the relative movement of the other planets around the sun and earth.

Image Source: Pixabay

There is a Prograde motion which means the normal movement of the planets in the orbit which is normally from west to east, but periodically this motion changes from east to west through the stars and this is the Retrograde motion...
A Retrograde is in simple terms explained as when a slower moving planet is overtaken by a faster moving planet.

Since the Mercury has the smallest orbit around the sun we see the Mercury Retrograde period coming more often then the other planets which are further away from the sun.

Now as we understand what is a Retrograde now lets's see Why and How it is impacting us.

From the beginning of the time we know how the Planets influence our lives. Our life blueprints are completely based on the planetary positions at the time we are born.
Our horoscope is a combination of our Sun sign, Mercury and Moon Sign.

  • Sun representing the Soul
  • Mercury representing our Thoughts
  • Moon representing our Heart and Emotions.

When the movement of the planets gets unusual it generates strange impressions in the areas of our lives that they govern.

Mercury governs our thought process, controlling our mind, communication, intellect, awareness, ideas, logic, reasoning, thinking and also our travels. Hence when Mercury is in Retrograde it does not mean its a bad phase but it's a time when we learn lessons about the "RE" Re-visit, Re-Think, Re-do, Re-trace, etc.

When a Mercury is in Retrograde you may see signs of disrupted thinking abilities, sudden changes in your travel schedule, some issues misunderstandings, problems in communicating and expressing.

Image Source:Pixabay

So what should you do when you suddenly feel strange behaviors emerging out of you. It can be a period of Retrograde governing you and hence you will see some disturbances in your regular schedule. And this is not only about you, remember everyone around you is going through this, so you need to take it easy.

Since it's a period of "RE" look at the situation and try to understand what the universe is trying to teach you. Try to take the lessons for the future.
Be a little careful in your communication, don't get in any impulsive actions.
If you are travelling make sure everything is in place, a double check or back up plans are never harmful.

It's not that everyone gets impacted in the similar manner. People who are in regular meditation practice may not see any impact at all. It also depends on the other planet positions. There are benevolent and maleficent planets, so their positions around the planet in retrograde will also impact the impressions.

The periods of Mercury Retrograde in 2018:
March 23 to April 15
July 26 to August 19
November 17 to December 6

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

"Do not Fear Mercury in Retrograde;
Reflect, Reconnect, Renew."

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