The Gift~

Hi Everyone!!


The Gift

As I sit here quietly waiting for my food to cool down I think back over all of my time on Steemit.

How, from my only child, I was given a wondrous gift in the form of Steemit.

This gift has grown and continues to grow every day.

What did my Child, my heart, gift to me?

Freedom, the most precious gift of all to me.

He gave me a place to be creative. A place to be me. A place where I met like-minded people that after a while I can not imagine life without.

All this on paper sounds too good to be true and I agree with you!

I wait for the ball to drop, as it usually does when things are going so well.

In the waiting for that proverbial ball, I take stock every day of my life on Steemit.

Enjoying each day reading what my friends and new friends, soon to be, write. Leaving comments to make someone having a bad day laugh. Thanking someone for making me laugh! It's all just a click away. This gift My son gave me.

@ecoinstant and @ecoinstante

On Steemit, there are people from all walks of life. All backgrounds, all languages and best of all different kinds of personalities.

It slowly becomes your own little slice of Earth.

You see through your own eyes we all just want the same. To be happy, to live in peace, make friends that will accept us for who we are, is the running thread through so many posts I read.

Yes, the bottom line, for most, is to make a buck or $10,000. I will not lie, money for me and my family is few, so Steemit also makes me feel like I'm helping in some small way.

Yes, there are bad days on Steemit when you think a post should have made more money or you worry about a friend, but those days are worth it for all the great joys I have received here on most days.

So the question then becomes: Would I still be here if I didn't have fun? The answer for me is very simple. No.

So every day I take stock of how lucky I am and enjoy the priceless gift, my wonderful child gave me.

This sounds a bit overboard maybe for most but when you are stuck in a house most days, a place to be yourself, be encouraged by many, be creative is really a priceless gift.

This is my Day 90: 5 Minute Freewrite Please come join us!!! Click! you know you want to! 😁

Have a wonderful Happy Day!
Much Love,

This did take me more than 5 minutes to write

All images are my own

If you care to read more Freewrite's by me, please see links below:

The town of Quack

Whales, Steemit and Community

The Mighty Carl


Great Grandma~ Day 83 Freewrite

Is this a joke? Nope.

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