Let’s Watch with Travelgirl #1 -The Package 더 패키지 (Korean Drama)

Hi Steemians,

This will be a new series I will be sharing with you all. I may be sharing movies or drama I’ve seen in particular from Hong Kong, Japan and Korea as my time normally is split between these regions, Many of you know I watch Korean drama so today, I wanted to share with you one I finished recently. The drama I want to share with you is called “ The Package”. Two reasons why I wanted to watch this - one is because its theme is about travel with a group of Korean people visiting France for a holiday and the other reason is my favourite Korean singer, Jung Yong Hwa from the band CN Blue is the lead actor of the series (ok its the main reason I want to watch it haha).

In this drama, the cast travels to France and visit many places with the main storyline set at Paris, Saint-Malo & Mont Saint-Michel. The scenery throughout the whole series was stunning and at the same time, you do get an overview of the places they visit.


The storyline involves the couples in the tour and they all have their own reason of going to the trip. Some of the stories were unexpected, some would make you cry, some just makes you laugh.





The music used in this series just like all Korean drama is so touching and all ‘lovey dovey’.

The Package has 12 episodes and are 60 minutes long like most Korean drama. If you love traveling and just want to watch a nice love storyline, this is the series for you.

source: [1][2]

大家好,今天想跟大家分享最近剛剛看完一套韓劇叫 The Package (더 패키지). 為什麼我推薦你們看這套電視劇,是因為兩個原因。 1) 這套韓劇是講一個韓國旅行團到法國旅遊而旅遊是我的最愛, 2) 就是男主角是我最愛的 CN Blue 樂隊注音鄭容和所以我一定要看的。整套劇是在法國取景而主要在巴黎,聖瑪洛和勒蒙聖米舍。整套劇的風景都非常美而且劇裏的女主角是一個導遊所以她會在劇裏介紹不同的景點和一點歷史。整套劇的音樂配的非常,故事有浪漫的,感人的,搞笑的。一連12集,每集差不多60分鐘,我相信當你一開始看就不想停下來。


animation by @catwomanteresa

Travelgirl pic.jpeg

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謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 . 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos & videos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted. 每張相片和視頻都是我們自己拍的

Below are some of my previous posts:

Let’s Get on Some Rides at Legoland @ Nagoya, Japan with Travelgirl

Travelgirl’s Game Review - Progress with Trade Island

Visit Legoland Mini Land @ Nagoya, Japan with Travelgirl

Food Sharing #53 - Lunch at Funasaka Brewery Ajino Yohei @ Takayama, Japan

Let's Try a Japanese Clear Latte Drink with Travelgirl

Traveling the World #117 (Europe Series) - A visit to Propyläen & Staatliche Antikensammlungen @ Munich, Germany

Travelgirl Takes You Through to a New Kids Craze in Sydney - PJ Mask Watches

Traveling the World #116 (Europe Series) - The Olympiapark München @ Munich, Germany

Traveling the World #115 (Europe Series) - Vor Frue Kirke (Church of Our Lady) & Caritas Well @ Copenhagen, Denmark.

Food Sharing #52 - Dinner at Spoeckmeier @ Munich, Germany

Windsurfing in Thailand with Travelgirl

Sharing Some Photos of Copenhagen City - Part 2

A Visit to Bunnings Warehouse with Travelgirl

Food Sharing #51 - Lunch at Sushi Hon @ Broadway, Australia

Travelgirl’s Attempt on the 1 Minute Bread Challenge

Sharing Some Photos of Copenhagen City - Part 1

Travelgirl's Diary [23] - Travelgirl 的日記 [23] - Upgraded Our Current Car!

Food Sharing #50 - Lunch at Din Tai Fung @ Chatswood, Australia

Unboxing Some Chanel Goodies with Travelgirl

Traveling the World #114 (Europe Series) - Kastellet & St. Alban's Church @ Copenhagen, Denmark

Travelgirl's Diary [22] - Travelgirl 的日記 [22] - The Dreaded Annual Dental Appointment

Traveling the World #113 (Europe Series) - Rosenborg Castle Gardens @ Copenhagen, Denmark

Products To Look After Your Hands with Travelgirl

Traveling the World #112 (Europe Series) - Sankt Pauls Gade @ Copenhagen, Denmark

Food Sharing #49 - Breakfast at Jamaica Blue Cafe @ Chatswood, Sydney

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://travelgirl.online/2018/08/25/lets-watch-with-travelgirl-1-the-package-%eb%8d%94-%ed%8c%a8%ed%82%a4%ec%a7%80-korean-drama/

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