20 questions with Zachery (Ty) Bryan - Exclusive to Steemit

"I really like Steem...I will be holding this alt coin for the long haul," says Zachery (Ty) Bryan, the former childhood actor best known for his role as Brad Taylor on Home Improvement.

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Home Improvement was only the beginning of what has become a successful career for Zachery. After years of playing the part of Tim (the Tool Man) Taylor's oldest son (Brad Taylor), he transitioned into a handful of other acting roles before moving to the other side of the lens as a producer.

These days he is motivated by his wife, Carly, and three children: Gemma, Taylor and Jordana.

He's also immersed himself in the world of cryptocurrencies. Today, Zachery trades often and has an investment portfolio that includes Bitcoin, as well as more than 30 different alt coins. One of those alt coins is Steem. And, as Zachery explains in this exclusive interview, he isn't letting go of his Steem any time soon.

20 questions with Zachery (Ty) Bryan

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1 - How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

Zachery - I am a family man, hard worker and I like giving back as a token of my appreciation for my life.

2 - Most people know you from your days on Home Improvement. Did you find it difficult to transition into new roles after years of being known as "Brad Taylor?”

Zachery - It was more difficult back then. But in today's industry, I see actors crossing over between film, TV and commercials.

3 - What is your favorite memory from your days on Home Improvement?

Zachery - I remember the bond our entire cast and crew shared. I have yet to work on another set with a group that made it their common goal to work together for the best possible outcome.

4 - Do you keep in touch with any of your Home Improvement co-stars?

Zachery - Oh, yes. Everyone. Jonathan and I are the closest. Him and I are developing a project together actually. That’s all I can share at this point, but we’re excited.

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5 - Who were you closest with on the set?

Zachery - Jonathan :)

6 - Which of your "Brad Taylor" haircuts are you most proud of?

Zachery - Oh, boy… can I go with none of them? LOL

7 - Will there ever be a Home Improvement reunion?

Zachery - There have been talks but thats about it. We will see :)

8 - Do you prefer being in front of the camera, or behind-the-scenes, when it comes to the TV/film industry?

Zachery - I like all aspects. I probably prefer producing the most because I appreciate the business aspect and being involved from beginning to end on a production.

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9 - Other than Home Improvement, what do you feel is your biggest accomplishment during your career in TV/film?

Zachery - I feel each and every project is an accomplishment. This is a difficult town, so whenever you can take a script from the page to the screen, it’s big.

10 - Who inspires you?

Zachery - My wife, Carly, and our children, Gemma, Taylor and Jordana. I feel honored to provide for them and give them the best opportunity at life. They are my purpose.

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11 - I understand you've become involved in Bitcoin. How did you get introduced to the cryptocurrency world?

Zachery - My good friend Brock Pierce (also a child actor) got me involved in the very early stages of Bitcoin. What an amazing ride it’s been.

12 - Specifically, what does your involvement with Bitcoin entail?

Zachery - I’m all over the board. I was an early adopter of Bitcoin. I am also invested in a lot of start-ups. I trade often and am now invested in 30+ alt coins.

13 - What excites you most about cryptocurrencies?

Zachery - I feel we’ve needed a financial revolution for some time now and cryptocurrency will be the future of finance. I also strongly believe the world becomes a better place because of it.

14 - Have you heard of Steem and/or Steemit? If so, would you ever consider starting a Steemit blog?

Zachery - I am invested in Steem :)

Probably "no" to blogging as I don’t currently have the time. I really like Steemit though. I will be holding this alt coin for the long haul.

15 - Is it true you're working on a Bitcoin documentary? If so, what can we expect?

Zachery - Yes! We are currently selling it now. It’s titled "BIT X BIT - In Bitcoin We Trust” — Hoping to have it sold very soon and will share the details.

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16 - Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Zachery - I try to live in the moment so I have absolutely no clue. I would hope that I will have raised my girls to be good human beings. And I’d love to be traveling the world with them. Traveling is something I have yet to really do, so that's on my bucket list.

17 - What is your greatest fear?

Zachery - That the world becomes more and more unstable. I hope for the world to get more healthy for the sake of my children and future generations.

18 - You get to have dinner with three people, living or dead. Who are you eating with?

Zachery - Ronald Reagan, Elon Musk, Anne Frank.

19 - What's your most embarrassing moment?

Zachery - I had a Zoolander moment once.

This was 10+ years ago. My father-in-law was showing me his home office and he had a device in which he said he had stored over 10k CDs. This device wasn’t very big so I began to look between the crevices to really see if there were that many cd’s inside. Well, it was a drive.

My family still brings that incident up...

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20 - What is one thing very few people know about you?

Zachery - I feel deeply. I also always listen to my intuition as it has never steered me wrong.

I can't tell you how happy I am that Zachery took the time to participate in this edition of "20 questions." I'm also stoked that he's a Steem investor!

As always, thanks to all of you for taking the time to read.

Who would you like to see me throw 20 questions at? Drop me a comment below and I'll work on setting up the interview.

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