There's no slackliner in the world who hasn't at least once privately dreamed about highline. I'd bet my (future) house on that :D
What the heck is highline?
Hah, it's just a slackline but racked between 2 mountains. Usually pretty high. You have to wear a climbing saddle which is connected to the line so in case you fall, you don't die. I mean, there are also some
freewalkers but those are whole another story.
Back to highline dreamers
I'm one of them as well.
"It can't be that difficult, it's just higher...I'd for sure manage the stress of height". And during my last slack session in Innsbruck slackline park (watch the
VLOG) I've realised that having all those beautiful mountains around is kind of symbolic :D
Maybe one day we'll be making first steps up there :)
Neexistuje ziadny slackliner, ktory aspon nachvilku nesnival o hajlajne. Stavil by som na to kludne moj (buduci) dom.
Co je to ten highline?
Hah, je to vpodstate len obycajny slackline, no upnuty medzi dvoma skalami niekde vo vyske. Clovek musi mat na sebe horolezecke sedlo, ktore je priviazane o lajnu. Cize ked padne, nepoleti dlhsie nez by chcel :D Su aj sialenci, ktori idu uplne navolno, ale o tom potom..
Naspat ku hihline snilkom
Som jeden z nich.
"Ved to predsa nemoze byt tak tazke! Je to to iste, len proste vyssie". Pocas mojej poslednej slackline session (pozrite si
VLOG) som si uvedomil, ze so vsetkymi tymi horami navokol je to slacklinovanie v IBK celkom symbolicke :D
Mozno ze raz budem robit krocky tam hore :)