Project loveletters #3 - His response


Madrid, 21 Agosto de 1978

Cherè Irene:

J’espere que ton famille et toi, que vous soyez très bien, comme moi.

Ce matin, je reçu ta lettre et les deux photos (your) tiennes. (Je pousseré un eu me guichet, pour ta voir tout les jours).

Je vu que toi, ecris trés bien le français, meilleur que moi. Mais je prêfêrebque tu m’ecris en Inglés. Je t’acrais un fois en Français et outre en inglés. Dans le français, je ne sois ecri pas bien les verbes, tu doit excuser-moi. Avec ton aide, je parlerè mieux l’inglés.

Pour que toi le sache (saboir), j’ai compris tout les mots de ton lettre.

Ce soir, ecoutant de radio, j’ai traduis ton lettre et je me poussé a t’escrire.

Je n’ai vu pas encore les photos de nous deux, (seulment one en black and White, que tu sorté avec les oeils fermés, per le flash); ils sout a Barcelona. Cette semaine, je vais a chez moi et je les regarderé. J’espere qu’elles etaient bien réussi).

“This week-end” dans Madrid, je faire preque tout. Le vendredi, j’ai allé a voir la tombe du fasciste et assassin qu’il s’appeler “Francisco FRANCO Bahamonde”. Elle se trouve dans un vallée (“le vallée du chutés”); et voir aussi, une croix, trèss connú dans l’espagne. Cette croix, est en le haut de une montagne, et elle mesure 100 metres. Le samedi para la matin ou “Museum of Prado”; lá, il y a beacoup carres de tout les peintres du monde. Je prêfêre, “Velazquez, Goya, Renoir, Rembrant, Van Dyck…” etc. A le soir, j’allai a le discoteque (très bon marchè) pour dancer (rock aussi), et ecouter le music. Mais ici, moi comme toi, n’amusant pas beaucoup. (Dans “PLAYA DE ARO” je le passè trés trés bien avec toi. Tu partie pour chez toi, et moi le passé mal). Mais je passé le temps comme se peut. Le dimanche j’allai tout le jour a la piscine. A la nuit ou cinema, pour voir le film “Capricornio one”.

J’ai ta dire que le mot espagnol “guapa de” veux dire= “beautiful the”; “belle de”. Tu comprends?


Maintenant, je veux t’eclaircir tout à l’égart de (abant) mes vacances. Le 11 de septembre, j’ai 25 jour de vacances. (jusqu’a le 5 de octobre). Et encore, je ne sais paso oú aller “THOSE” jours. Comprends Irene maintenant? Of course…

Dans ton village, j’espere que tu le passé bien, aprés de sortir du travaille. Quand hour travaille toi? Peut-etre que tu travaille beacoup et après, tu ne veux faire rien.

Si toi veux, je te douveré a photo moi habit de militer de aviation.

Je souvenir que tu a n’e (A naitre) le 27 de mai 1959. Si c’est vérité, et comme j’ai naitre 13 junio 1959, alors, nous sommes Gemini (signe du zodiaque). Vous comprend?

Pour faire cette lettre, j’ai observer a dictionnaire français. Aussi j’ai un a inglés.

AH! Irene, please, dit moi, si l’argent Nederland, ou change espagnol, est beacoup ou peu.

C’est cher habite unes jour dans une city ou village, in Holland, pour un turiste espanyol? Je veux dire, passé unes jour a pension ou Hotel (Trés bon marché) etc.

Biêntot, je visitaré Nederland. (Amsterdam, Roterdam, la Haya, etc).

Quand j’ecouté le chanson de “Boney M”, “River of Babylone”, I remember you. Pourquoi? Parce-que eu Maddoz, tu chantai cette même chanson, avant moi, et je te regardé et ecoute toi. Mais le mieux par moi, c’est un de “KANSAS”, “Dust in the Wind”.

Maintenant, je veux souvenir toi, deux phrase en español: “Bon appétit”= “QUE APROVECHE”
One two three four five six seven eight
Uno dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho
Nine ten
Nueve diez
The next letter “je continuú”.
In this moment I sei you veel liefs, mais avant, je te donne un baiser. Jusqu’ a bientot!

EXTRA: I leave you with By the rivers of Babylon, song refered in this letter, from youtube


Dear Irene
I hope that you and your family are very well, like me.

This morning I received your letter and the two photos yours. (I will put one on the counter, to see you every day).

I saw that you, write very well French, better than me. But I prefer that you write me in English. I will write one time in French and another time in English. In French, I do not write well the verbs, you must excuse me. With your help, I will speak better English.

So that you know, I understood all the words of your letter.
Tonight, listening to the radio, I translated your letter and I started to write to you.
I have not yet seen the photos of us two, (only one in black and white, where you came out with eyes closed, because of the flash); they were from Barcelona. This week, I go to my house and I look at them. I hope they were successful).

"This weekend" in Madrid, I did a lot. On Friday, I went to see the tomb of the fascist and assasin whose name was "Francisco FRANCO Bahamonde". It is located in a valley ("the valley of the falls"); And also to see, a cross, very known in Spain. This cross is at the top of a mountain, and it measures 100 meters. Saturday morning at "Museum of Prado"; there, there are many squares of all the painters of the world. I prefer, "Velazquez, Goya, Renoir, Rembrant, Van Dyck ..." and so on. In the evening, I went to the discotheque (very cheap) to dance (rock too), and listen to the music. But here, like you, I did not have too much fun. (In "PLAYA DE ARO" I had a great great time with you. You left to your home, and then I no longer had fun). But I spent time as best I could. Sunday I went all day to the pool. At night to the cinema, to see the film "Capricornio one".

I told you that the Spanish word "guapa de" means = "beautiful the". You understand?

Now I want to clarify everything to you (before) my holidays. On the 11th of September, I have 25 days of vacation. (Until the 5th of October). And again, I do not know where to go "THOSE" days. Do you understand now Irene? Of course…

In your village, I hope you had a good time, after getting out of work. When do you work? Maybe you work a lot and then you do not want to do anything.
If you want, I will show you a picture of my workplace.
I remember that you were born on May 27, 1959. If it is true, and since I was born June 13, 1959, then we are Gemini (sign of the zodiac). You understand?

To make this letter, I used a French dictionary. Also I have an English one.
AH! Irene, please, tell me, if the Nederland money, or change Spanish, is little or a lot.
Is it expensive one day to live in one city in the village, in Holland, for a Spanish tourist? I mean, spent a day at Pension or Hotel (very cheap).
Soon, I will visit Nederland. (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, the Haya, etc.).

When I listened to the song "Boney M", "River of Babylon", I remember you. Why? Because in Maddox, you sang this same song, in front of me, and I looked at you and listened to you. But the best for me it’s one of "KANSAS", "Dust in the Wind".
Now I want to remember you, two phrases in Spanish: "Enjoy your meal" = "QUE APROVECHE"

One two three four five six seven eight
Uno dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho
Nine ten
Nueve diez
The next letter I will continue.
In this moment I say you veel liefs (, but before I give you a kiss. Until Soon!

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You can also read the other letters here:

Letter #1
Letter #2

Disclaimer: These letters are copied as is. I understand they have many grammatical errors, but my parents did not have google translator, and relied on dictionaries to translate their thoughts. Any marks on the letters are made by them to help them understand the letters. Note: I also covered her signature for protection

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