Endless Days of Rain. Manifest Challenge days 26 & 27

Endless Days of Rain. Sounds like the beginning of a post-apocalyptic horror flick.

It's my reality at the moment. And the reason why yesterday's day 26 is combined with today's episode of the #ManifestChallenge as is has caused my internet to be spotty. On a side note, I really like Streemians service of being able to schedule a post for a later time or date. I am horrible with math, so converting UTC to PST is a painful feat of Brain Olympics for me, but once I do I can rest assured, knowing my post will be published to Steemit at the time and day I set it to, without fail :) Heads up for anyone going on Holiday!

When your environment is dreary and dull, it can tire you physically. Millions of people suffer from SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. They suffer depression and lethargy because in the winter months due to a lack of sunlight and the body's subsequent vitamin D production.

This is a wonderful time to see the effects of visualization at work! Close your eyes and imagine yourself lying on a beach, soaking in the sun. Hear the lapping of the waves and the chatter of the sea birds. Smell the saltwater and coconut twinged suntan lotion, and see the sheen on the oiled skin of your fellow beachgoers.

Feel the rays of sunlight soaking into your skin, warming you to the core and energizing your cells.

I tried this a few hours ago. My numb fingers and toes warmed up! My little ten minute tropical holiday tricked my body!

Brainwashing is a thing. But with obvious negative connotations. Brainwashing is tricking the brain to create false or altered beliefs.

Visualization is the same concept, only it is used to make positive changes. If you can believe it you will ahieve it!

It may be dreary and pouring nonstop outside, but the Pacific Northwest would not be so green and lush without the rain.

Create your environment and make your desires happen by manifesting them into your reality.

Create the life you want with the 30 Day Manifest Challenge!
Your Weakest Link. Manifest Challenge Day 25
Clean Your House. Manifest Challenge Day 24

Images via Pixabay

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I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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Remember to follow


animated-arrow-image-0314 The Day My Son Was in a School Shooting
Preparing for a Winter Storm
Emergency Preps For Your Pets
Endagered Species Series - Fossa
Clean Your House!
What Goes in Reflects Out. Manifest Challenge 22
Never Settle
The Doormat Allegory: Do Nice Guys Always Finish Last?
Sunrise Photo Sequence


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